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Just because I play military glorifying first person shooters doesn't mean I like the military's actions itself or want to glorify it. It's just a game don't take things so seriously. Even if it could potentially be propaganda, I don't care. It's tacticool and its fun. It just a game just chill out ffs. I just want to turn my brain off and have some fun. It's also the types of games I played growing up.


There's thousands of indies better fit for your stated purpose, tho.


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I was under the impression the main argument against military shooters is that they aren't enjoyable and don't innovate much


No, Spec Ops: The Line makes it clear that people who enjoy Call of Duty are pieces of shit and need to kill themselves now.


according to the devs, the actual message of the game is indeed about war gaming and not about US imperialism, which is fucking retarded, but I choose to ignore them


Considering it is basically a video game adaptation of Heart of Darkness which was about imperialism, I am pretty sure the author is just lying. Not to mention the many references to the original book and numerous jabs at the US military in particular.


This might surprise you but most people are able to separate fiction from reality.


I mean that's the thing though, obviously on a conscious level people realise COD isn't real, but almost everyone is influenced on a subconscious level by the media they consume. When you constantly consume media where American liberalism are the good guys you begin to intrinsically believe that to be a true representation of reality.

Of course most people here don't only consume stuff like that, a little COD is harmless, but when you are constantly immersed in the mainstream right-liberal cultural stew it definitely does have an effect.


Whatever happened to material conditions and class position shaping your views? No, it must be "propaganda".


How come two people with the exact same class position can have diametrically opposite views. Obviously propaganda and socialisation plays a part. I mean FFS Engels coined the term 'false consciousness'. You snide fucks always think you're so smart with your dumb reductive quips.


Just because I read misogynistic erotic fiction doesn't mean I'm a sexist myself or that I want to beat women. It's just a book, don't take it so seriously! Even if it could be considered degrading and problematic, I don't care. It's titillating and it's fun! It's fiction, just chill out, for goodness' sake. I just want to escape reality and have some racy fun. It's the kind of steamy stories I indulged in as a teenager, and I've grown fond of them.


unironically true, erotica doesn't cause misogyny


There was some hardcore shit on fanfiction.net before they banned porn. Like beastiality rape shit.


oh my god, no way……. who cares




You're a massive retarded liberal gorilla if you believe media affects reality in a significant way when media is at the mercy of material reality.


No, they can't. Idealists are literally incapable of it. And reaction actively encourages idealism as a means of perpetuating itself.


my brother in yakub, are you retarded? how do you think propaganda works??


If material conditions and class position was the only thing shaping people's beliefs and worldview then every worker in the world would be a communist.


I'm glad you thin skinned retard took my sarcastic mockery of op as an actual attack on your favorite media genre. Grow a pair.


>Grow a pair.
<I-I was being sarcastic
You were clearly still trying to make a point, your point is still wrong, and you're still retarded. I don't even like cowadooty shit.


To those complaining that we are trying to take away their fun in playing these games, let me iterate that we are not trying to take the fun away from you. I love COD and I enjoy playing it. But you need to keep in mind that it is propaganda in terms of how they glorify combat and glorify the US military. Just make sure that you don't let the games of the franchise influence your values and your opinion on things. The games are purely fictional and do not accurately portray or represent reality. I have seen too many people allow this game to influence their beliefs. So many, who at the time didn't care about the military or want to join, suddenly wanted to join because of what COD and games like it showed what the military was supposedly like.

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