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I'm the most hardcore gamer on the planet. Nobody can compare themselves to me. I don't care what anybody else thinks. I only care about myself and my perspective of the world.

Who care about material reality and all that nonsense? When it comes to gaming I'm a serious hardcore idealist who gatekeeps people who I see as inferior and lesser gamers to me who aren't on the same level as me.

I don't care about numbers. Being a hardcore gamer is all about qualifications that only I can fulfill. I don't use metrics such as that to determine my hardcoreness. Also you're a console peasant so you're immediately disqualified because one of my mysterious requirements is that you have to be an member of the pc master race.

I could brag about many gaming related achievements here, and many other achievements that are unreplicable by fake gamers and lesser gamers than me. But I won't. It's just more hardcore to be mysterious like that. There is one thing that a gamer will never leave behind, and that is their pride.

You can list your gaming achievements here to see if you qualify for being part of my cadre of advanced gamers league. Eventually, I plan on creating a micronation called the Republic of Gamers. Are you in? Or are you too casual?


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