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/games/ - Games

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What are iconic and legendary games that defined a generation of gaming, that deserve a place in the gaming pantheon?

List all of them that you know.


>defined a generation
so like 1 per gen?

gen 1: pong
gen 2: space invaders
gen 3: super mario bros
gen 4: chrono trigger
gen 5: doom, honorable mention to ocarina of time
gen 6: half life 2
gen 7: minecraft, honorable mention to dark souls
gen 8: fortnite
gen 9: too early to say


Doom came out before Chrono Trigger. I don't think Chrono Trigger is really that legendary either at least in America. I never heard of Chrono Trigger back in the 90s. Link To The Past was way more legendary.


>Doom came out before Chrono Trigger
Yeah but Chrono Trigger was a SNES game. The gens overlap.
>I don't think Chrono Trigger is really that legendary either at least in America
I included the games based on influence more than anything. The game itself wasn't the mot popular but is widely cited as one of the best of all time and was hugely influential on the medium as a whole.
Too incremental of an entry to include imo. OoT on the other hand pioneered multiple systems that are still used, like lock-on targeting.


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Franchises too lazy to pick a specific game:
Call of Doody.
The Last of Us.
Street Fighter.
Mortal Kombat
Smash Bros
God Of War
Counter Strike
Gran Turismo
Need For Speed
Grand Theft Auto
Harvest Moon
Fire Emblem
Final Fantasy
Half Life
Team Fortress
Golden Eye
Elite (I didn't know the first one came out in 84, now that's a long running series.)

>Too incremental of an entry to include imo. OoT on the other hand pioneered multiple systems that are still used, like lock-on targeting.
Fair enough, what about the original LoZ?


I think the problem is that there are genres and consoles and people usually segregate themselves to them so it is hard to say of which two games came out at the same time for PC and Nintendo and Sony and in different genres are more influential or legendary. Obviously first gen Xbox owners would say Halo. But a PC gamer might be like that's knockoff Tribes.


>gen 4: chrono trigger


Bejeweled arguably should be included with.


i dunno how influential it was but frontier: elite II was extremely technically impressive for its time. ultima underworld was pretty influential for crpgs


Plants vs Zombies, unironically.
Solid franchises Anon.


Does Deus Ex deserve a place?


Iconic to whom? Lmao the only video game characters most people recognize are Mario, Sonic and Pacman.


We're talking about gaming not mobile shit


Mobile games are a major part of gaming, so it might be worth considering when talking about iconic games in general.


I know, I just feel like farmville et al should be put in a different category


wii sports unironically got the major manufacturers to blow untold millions on the wagglan gimmick


A few games that come to mind for mid to late Millennials.
>Pokemon Red/Blue
>Kingdom Hearts
>Super Mario 64
>Sonic Adventure 2


Sonic bros we won

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