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GTA VI they're renaming Florida "Leonida" to fictionalize it further. Which is weird. I mean it's consistent with San Andreas being a fictional state, and all those other fictional Midwest states they made up for Red Dead Redemption II, but at the same time, when Vice City came out in 2002, Florida was just called "Florida" in that game. Numerous references to "Florida" over the radio. If Rockstar is going to make a totally fictionalized Burgerpunk America, they should just go all out and make an entire fictional country already, like Eagleland in Earthbound.


The pre-GTA IV games aren't canon to the GTA IV and post generation. It makes sense they're making a fake name to be consistent.


Why even bother with the fake alternate names though? Ever since GTAIV the maps have been trying to perfectly replicate their real life counterparts with its buildings and famous landmarks to the best of the hardware's capabilities.


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I have to escape reality so badly man you don't get it


the opposite of this is people thinking theyre doing le epic praxis for playing "critical political games" tbh


the lore is dogshit and halfbaked


not all games need autistically consistent lore tbh


brainlet detected


It's hard to keep consistent lore for an open world series since the geography is constrained by technical limitations. It's not like people play these games for that anyway.


>im a smart boy for playing video games with "lore"
very similar to what i pointed out in >>34828 lol


some people believe every game must cater to their arbitrary personal whims when the series already has a defined audience. i get it when its dumbing down or dramatically changing the games but like you said nobody plays gta for its lore lmfao


I think it's to just avoid legal issues. 99% chance they're safe but since they established the trend why risk it? It also gives them more of a chance to change things if they want without people complaining.

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