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So entertainment technology is becoming more addictive, more immersive and more personalized. If you think your dopamine receptors are already fried, wait until VR porn becomes mainstream.

I don't know about you, but I will not touch this shit. I will not use modern entertainment technology, because I don't want to get used to this extreme brain stimulation. Basically the same reason, why I wouldn't try heroin.

Heroin actually feels good, this shit gets boring after a minute.

if entertainment technology is becoming more addictive, why is my vr headset collecting dust

VR gives me spooky vibes anyway, seems pretty fucky to go that far for escapism's sake, and I generally approve of some healthy escapism.

Old man shouting at clouds thread, anything that isnt directly wired into your brain is no different than TV. Also that is an AI written contend mill article.

>anything that isnt directly wired into your brain is no different than TV

Are you sure? Then why are you using the internet then, when it is no different to TV? Can you rather live without TV or without internet? Why aren't you satisfied with Pong and space invaders?

I am not quite sure what are you getting at, that internet is more addictive because its more stimulating or fun? I mean yeah, thats not a bad thing, you wouldnt try to argue TV should be nothing but reruns of telenovelas because actual cinema is too addictive.

>that internet is more addictive because its more stimulating or fun?

This is exactly what I'm saying. I wish I could live without internet. I wish books and CDs were my only form of entertainment. I tried living that way for almost 2 years and I just felt, that the internet ruined me. Once you get used to the possibilities of the internet, you can't just forget about it. I will not repeat the same mistake this time.

So what do you do on the internet? I do waste a lot of time scrolling and posting, but thats just because I am a complete loner and this is my one social outlet, I dont think I would be better off without it.

thats the thing that really pisses me off about these people online who tell you to quit the internet or stop using your phone all the time. so what else am i supposed to fucking do? stare at the wall all day? jack off? do crack? theres literslly nothing else to do in this fucking world. no one to talk to. shit sucks.

Go take a walk. Then go to do some sort of weight training. Then go to a thrift shop and look for nice clothes. Cook nutritious delicious food. Practice an instrument. Learn a language.

all solid advice to be honest. but what good are those things if i cant show it to someone right? itd be all in my head and at that point its like it didnt even happen

And what else? The only thing of the ones you listed that counts as enjoyable or relaxing is shopping.

Weight training, and doing some form of aerobic or anaerobic exercise like walking or running, is a necessary thing for me not to feel like shit. It's not about showing it to anybody. I think you lost the capacity to think clearly and are stuck in some bizarre complex. Fix your mental health first, then you can care about doing things to show others or not.
lol I hate shopping but it has benefits long term. If your goal is enjoyment then I suggest picking up a sport. Gym going is very easy and relatively cheap. You can also try running. You'll hate it at first but then you'll grow to love it.

>It's not about showing it to anybody. I think you lost the capacity to think clearly and are stuck in some bizarre complex
yeah, maybe. its always validation with me. i guess im a people pleaser, im always trying to hear praises, get attention. definitely a childhood thing i think. its still a bit weird to think that most people dont live like that, its all me. i sometimes feel very alone. how can i even fix that by myself?

Yeah, I do all those fucking things, but I cant be on full sigma grindset all the fucking time without going insane. Working out isnt something I do for fun, its a thing I do to stay fit, same with cooking. Learning can be enjoyable, but its not relaxing, its more work. Not to mention, really demotivating to learn things you never get any use out of.

I understand how you feel because I am a similar way. But you're not understanding what I'm trying to communicate. These things are for you to fix your mental and bodily health. These aren't performances or achievements. This is basic health.
What's your issue then?

>dopamine receptors are already fried
Not even a real thing.

What do you mean "Whats the issue then?", you are the one who suggested working out and shopping to anon complaining about having nobody to talk to.

the neuroscientist has logged on

we should trust yourbrainonporn instead


Showing it to yourself may seem like a common trope of advice. However common this advice may seem it's because it is an approximate truth. Something to be discovered for yourself if it hold meaning to you, which is a valuable use of your time.

No, they're right. It's not that your dopamine receptors get fried. It's your attention span that gets fucked. Big difference. When your dopamine receptors are hyperstimulated all the time you become more easily bored.

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I'll keep using modern entertainment technology until society makes going outside worthwhile.

Actually, you know what? VR is based. Mega-based in fact. It forces people to actually use their whole body. AR is even more based, it forces people to touch grass. VR and AR are our last lifeboats before we are turned into the mindless drones of corporations, they must be protected at all costs from the Big Tech and the adoption of brain chips, brain chips should not exist, once they exist it's all so over.

Everything I don't like that other people like more than my vague arbitrary acceptable threshold of liking things is actually le drug.

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