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frick zodiac signs
what's your MGSV custom mixtape?

for me it's Kino, molchat doma and Musics from the Afghan-Soviet War


I play the game with zero music. If I'm not listening to the movement of the enemy, I'm listening to audio logs and briefing tapes. Just as the Boss intended.


yeah, can't say I ever played music while running missions outside of the ones that help calm the MSF crew when grabbing 'em… I should visit my base


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>the Boss
same voice actor btw


I just listen to Joan Baez do Sacco and Vanzetti on loop.
That was seriously cool they added it into the pre-game set in GITMO, shame they took it out for the game proper. :(


Oh, also, i make hte helicopter play 'we are the kids of america wo-oah!' and call it in whenever i attack any larger soviet facilites just because in my head that situation is just really really funny imho.


neat, i used to make the heli play america Fuck yeah on loudspeaker or i make it play pakistani nasheeds because in my head cannon that's the perfect false flag attack, no one will look for a mercenary company that plays nashheds, and might even think the mujahideen suddenly have an airforce and go look for them instead

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