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I'm pretty new to victoria 3, and I'm looking for some advice. What are some fun countries to play as while still being a beginner? Also, what are the best mods I should get?


Brazil, Belgium and Sweden is the holy trinity of beginner friendly countries.



The thread was made in 2022 so idk if the info there is still accurate or not. I heard the game has changed dramatically from the state it was in when it was first released.


Play CWP (cold war project). One of the best mods that still has support for it l. As far as i relembrar the great rework and better AI are not compatible with modern vic 3. Also the communist rework overrall adds lots of laws and make your communist country quite OP.


As far as i relember better laws mod is also not working anymore, politics advanced also. Hearts of appaluchia or something is one of the mods they recomended for me, never played though


IDK why but whenever I try to start a game of CWP it makes my PC crash. Anyone know why this happens?


You are probably not using a compatible version. Or install another version of the mod in their Github, or maybe download another version of vic 3. If problems persist you should check their fbi.gov qnd steam page, see if you are not the only one suffering from that problem


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>IDK why but whenever I try to start a game of CWP it makes my PC crash. Anyone know why this happens?
Yep, one of the worst things of VIc 3 modding is that every so often Paradox just releases a new patch that makes all old mods obsolete and force people to update their mods constantly just to adapt to the changes. Most of them never come back to fix the problems, and the mods stay dead forever.


Better Politics Mod is mandatory for me, wouldnt play without it. Also idk how good your PC is but i cant play past 1870 without using performance mods or it grinds to a halt. Victoria Tweaks Mod also adds a lot of nice little changes to make the game function as vanilla should, and then i throw in Better Decrees.

Personally i started with Portugal and felt like that was a lot of fun because theres plenty to do in terms of developing a colonial economy, but its not as overwhelming as some of the other colonial powers. Japan is also good for getting a feel for how the domestic economy works without having to worry about trade complicating things since it starts isolationist but has everything it needs internally.


those mods are cool too


I have the most recent version of Vicky 3. Does that mean I have to download a older version? If so, which version and how?



Oh, BTW, forgot to mention. CWP (Cold war project) has a new system of laws. One of those laws are called "Discrimination laws".
For some reason, to which i can't really understand why and how, the Soviet Union starts by default with the "Segregationist" type of law. Extremely sus.


I mean the USSR had ethnic cleansing.


>I mean the USSR had ethnic cleansing.
What did he mean by that lol


Stalin's ethnic deportations?


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Does the "Crimes against Humanity" laws that has Gulags in it still doesn't work? Also, is Planned economy still worthless?

>dude, just outlaw corruption!

>Enlightened Board of Directors!


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>Does the "Crimes against Humanity" laws that has Gulags in it still doesn't work?
>Also, is Planned economy still worthless?
The labor camp law is not that bad, is just ok.
About the planned economy thing, it basically don't play a major role. Is like vanila, you don't have the capitalists investing on private stuff, so you as the govnerment controll all of the economy. Playing countries like the US with all those funds into private construction were quite bad in my experience, as they would just invest in random things that didn't have any profit, instead of focusing on the economy of scale.

Overral, the biggest problem with the USSR is their major deficts in the beninging, their lack of technology. Like, the USSR is an whole era behind america, specially in military.

One thing that is cool is that you can annex the whole warsaw pact with time without the need of wars, just by using the "transfer state" diplomatic action, that is pretty easy to do, so that you can go for rare resources and phosphorus.

The resource allocation in the mod is very bad. But that is an overral problem.

The US is much stronger because they start with more than double of your GDP, but you can surpass them pretty quiquilly if you buy a shit ton of universities and advanced computers and refineries.


I myself always play with the investment fund disable, i want 100% control of the economy


another haha funny thing, Lavrentiy Beria is the head of the third most powerful political faction in the USSR of the mod. He is considered a "market socialist"


Oh, wait, it's the other Cold War mod. Have they fixed the reserve currency thing? USSR was basically unworkable.


> Have they fixed the reserve currency thing? USSR was basically unworkable.

Now with laws like "Independent monetary police" the game adjusts the interest rate for you to keep inflation/deflation change to 0%. That means that if you are having a very high inflation the interest rate will go up and you will have a massive debt problem. If you have deflation them the interest rate will lower down.

Deflation is extremely bad, so to avoid that you need to make stuff that poor people buy expensive, like housing and healthcare.

Overral, i never had a big problem with the monetary police mechanic, but it has been 3 months since i played the mod, replaying it rn.

The newest version of the mod is the 0.5 version, is not compatible with modern victoria 3.
Idk if i awnsered your question correctly


My current inflation rate, july 1947


that's the meme for him in most cold war mods, if he ends up leading the USSR he liberalised the economy but keeps the police state, no idea if that's based on anything historical.


Deportations =\= ethnic clensing =\= segregation.
Know the difference between crimes mate


"Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, or religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making the society ethnically homogeneous. Along with direct removal such as deportation or population transfer, it also includes indirect methods aimed at forced migration by coercing the victim group to flee and preventing its return, such as murder, rape, and property destruction."


they were forcibly migrated from the soviet union to the soviet union, that is crazy.


they were largely relocated from the civilised west to siberian frontier shitholes.


*from poverty ridden areas to kazhakstan.
corrected for you.


I mean the details of each case don't even matter, we could go through it, but they were forcibly relocated in order to create racially pure ethnostates, that's ethnic cleansing.


> but they were forcibly relocated in order to create racially pure ethnostates,
none of the regions they were relocated to and from became ethnically homogenous, don't know where you are taking this meme from.


The purpose (broadly speaking) was to create homogenous ethnic SSRs was it not?


no, it was to export ethnic groups that were considered "too friendly" or "supportive" to nazism to places they couldnt do shit, german russians and crimean tartars got relocated to farmlands in Kazakhstan for that.
crimea and ukraine still had many other ethnic minorities that never leaved because they were not judged dangerous.


Step one: uninstall the game.
Problem solved.

Take it from a Vic 2 veteran, that's the only piece of advice you need when it comes to Vic 3.


I've tried Vic 2 before but all the ui in the game is so small I can barely read it. It's probs because my monitor is too modern for the aspect ratios the game was made for but idk


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forming germany is always fun


That doesn't exactly make it better.


Damn, who asked?


>Take it from a Vic 2 veteran

Wow, everyone is in awe of your credentials


how the fuck did you do that lmao


That's technically true but I imagine not in the way the game is capable of simulating. The USSR had very deliberate and official discrimination based on your CLASS background, not your ethnic background.

People with solid working class backgrounds were given preferential treatment over "class aliens", meaning people from intellectual and aristocratic backgrounds, and there was no attempt to hide this.

The problem is that the POP system is designed, as I understand, to simulate "This guy is Khazakh discriminate against him" and not "That guy's dad was the doctor to the Duke of Serfbutchery, discriminate against him"


I still enjoy Vic2 but I've found I have to play it at 1280x800 on my 1920x1080 monitor to be able to read it


I might just be dumb but better politics is so confusing to me. Why are there so many different interest groups? What are their differences? What are their purposes? I probably am just misunderstanding it but still.


The mod divides out managerial interest groups from ideological interest groups, so that the interests of bureaucrats or rural communities can be seperated from explicit political movements. E.g. it allows you to have a conservative Village Interests IG that just wants to be left alone in a decentralized state at the same time you can have a Rural Populist IG that wants to actively improve the conditions of rural life through political intervention.


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Played Victoria 3 for the first time yesterday. Haven't played any other Victoria games but I've played HOI4 and EU4 and CK3. Thought this was kind of the most empty Paradox game I've played yet. It feels like every Paradox game is hitting the 4x button trying to get to the good parts but the good parts never come. A paradox indeed.


the appeal of victoria games, ideally, is to enjoy seeing how the domino effect of your limited interventions unfolds in the pop/economic simulation, and then once you get a sense of that trying to influence it in different ways for desired outcome. vicky 3 is way better now than it was at launch, but it was such an empty broken mess at launch thats not saying all that much. but vicky2 was so beloved in spite of its many flaws, it was outright broken in some ways as well. vicky3 is disappointing because the devs have far more money and manpower now and fumbled the release version of the game so bad that it was borderline unplayable. personally ive been really enjoying it lately (with some key mods), but the appeal is pretty narrow. if you dont have a particular type of simulation autism + particular type of grand strategy autism, theres not much else there to enjoy


>the appeal of victoria games, ideally, is to enjoy seeing how the domino effect of your limited interventions unfolds in the pop/economic simulation, and then once you get a sense of that trying to influence it in different ways for desired outcome.
It seems your options are really limited and the timespan rather short.
>personally ive been really enjoying it lately (with some key mods), but the appeal is pretty narrow. if you dont have a particular type of simulation autism + particular type of grand strategy autism, theres not much else there to enjoy
Which mods? I enjoy the autism but having to click and unclick trade routes all the time gets annoying. I thought the game lacked a lot of depth. I only did one playthrough as Belgium. Maybe I'll try a major power next.


These are the ones i recommend >>35764

Better Politics Mod adds a lot of the depth I was missing, highly recommend it. The trade route shit is annoying but you actually dont need to engage in trade as much as it feels like at first. Youre going to want to build your economy more intentionally, with basic good like wood, fabric and grain etc cheap but not THAT cheap, like -20 to -10% base price is a good range, because the price of the good effects the wages of the pops working in those buildings. Then youll want to have industrial goods, early ones are tools, iron, and coal, which you ideally produce relatively cheap domestically to keep your construction cheap, because every now and then when its viable you want to built up the construction sector. About late mid-game you want to have a healthy steel industry, glass industry, chemical industry, some railroads and engine factories. Thats the core of your economy and you expand outwards from there as needed, with consumer goods like liquor, groceries, tobacco, furniture etc also making great exports. Played right in an average sized country, trade only really needs to be used to supplement necessary industrial goods like if you have a shortage of lead or tools, or to boost the price of a very cheap good to allow it to be profitable enough to expand the industry, e.g. if youre producing a ton of wood without many domestic industries buying it and it's -40% price, the wood industry will stagnate, so its good to export enough wood to keep the prices in the -10%-10% base price range, expensive enough to keep the industry profitable without being too expensive to hurt your industries requiring wood inputs.

This is all assuming you have an interventionist + mercantilist economy, which is generally the safest middle ground. Free market + laisse faire puts much more emphasis on trade and trade goods, and can be very good for big countries with a lot of resources but makes smaller countries with less developed economies much harder to manage. But if youre trying to develop robust capitalism as a way of pushing towards communism as I usually do, the free market/lassie faire route does empower capitalists to a much greater degree, which is a very fun way to play with Better Politics Mod but not really without it.


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Talking about "better politics" mod, CWP is integrating that mod in their teasers.


Hell yeah. Ive been waiting until its more developed to play CWP mod but very glad to see this


The new DLC and update is out

It's pretty good so far!


They say the performance is better


thank god performance is better. $30 still too expensive for me right now but might see if any keys are being sold cheaper.


performance isn't really the issue, it's boredom/lack of flavour


I've been trying this mod in V2. It's pretty fun, obviously incomplete though like some factories still have placeholder descriptions.
IDK how to fix my economy either, playing as Vietnam and it's fucked from the get go, although i did manage to see the french off.


performance has been a huge issue for me, even with a well above average computer. seems to vary a lot but for a lot of people the late game performance is gamebreaking

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