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/games/ - Games

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no beat 'em ups thread?
post your favorite beat 'em ups, the ones you're currently playing or obscure titles you want to share
i'll start:
>Gourmet Sentai: Bara Yarou
pretty cool game from 1995 for the snes that got a full english fan translation recently (https://cdromance.org/snes-rom/gourmet-sentai-bara-yarou-japan/)
instead of restoring HP by picking up health items like in other games you prepare meals in between stages with ingredients you pick up and heal that way instead, and there's no continues so you better figure out which meals you should be cooking because that's the only way to restore HP
the sprites are really nice and it has a surprising number of moves you can do compared to most beat 'em up games from that era
it also has a re-release on steam under the title "Gourmet Warriors" (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1104460/Gourmet_Warriors/) but i think the snes version with the fan translation is better since the official one also uses emulation anyway


River City Ransom


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nothing like it my man

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