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A friend of mine gifted me a psvita, i used to own a psp 3000 when I was a child (i have long since then broken it), and It was honestly and still is my favorite thing, I remember the same friend back when we're little when he got that PSVITA I was very jealous. So after like 12 years he gifted it to me haha.

The best thing about my PSV is that it perfectly runs all PSP games, which i have the most memories with. Nevertheless it has a few good games and its hardware is very potent for a handheld of its age. The homebrew scene has ported a lot of interesting titles so you can have them on the go.

This is a guide if you wanna jailbreak it.


it's really ridiculous you just run some web-exploit through the PSVITA browser


I wanted to talk about which games you know, have played, of the PSVITA and how was your experience with them. Do you have any recommendations for me ?

Homebrew Scene, Technical Issues with the Custom Frimware/Exploit.

You may post about questions you have on an issue you've encountered on your process of moding it or installing a homebrew, do you have any recommendations of cool homebrews?


Do you have to dress like that to use your device?



my gf recently gave me her old vita and i modded it and it's fucking great. get yourself a cheap L2 R2 grip off aliexpress for 10 bucks. highly recommended.


she's holding it the wrong way…


it's a psita too


dame tu psita


love the vita, youre lucky


no, just dress like a random tokyo young adult from the 2000s


Yeah I was thinking of doing that my hands get a bit fucked up after longer Sessions with it. Man i've been running for a few days dissidia with adrenaline, and i am hooked as much as i was back when i was 13 !


She's showing it to you

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