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It’s a fine game, but that’s all there is to say about it. As a Fallout game, it’s pretty average. The gore and feeling of dread in the visuals and audio is still the same as in every game made before New Vegas, the gameplay still has the player running around like a bitch for fucking anything, and the main storyline plays like any of Fallout 3’s and New Vegas’ DLCs. What makes it stand out is the difficulty, because the tabletop elements, enemy spam, limited playtime, and finite resources keep the player from becoming stupidly overpowered the moment they get past the first few levels. Additionally, the visuals are somewhat unique even to the other top down releases, because they’re slightly more grounded in reality than in what’s seen in other retro sci fi works. Otherwise, the game is like any other Fallout game, and that’s okay.


You're bait is shit now go back to sucking Todd's cock little piggy


If you’ve played Fallout—which I’m sure you have—you would know too that it plays almost identically to other mainline Fallout titles. The looting, dialogue, questing, and even some combat mechanics haven’t really evolved since this game’s release. That doesn’t make fallout a bad game, just a fine one. The constant overhype I’ve seen elitist promote about this game is based off its difficulty and simplicity present in its game design, because those things make the game promote resourcefulness and accessibility respectively. However, those traits are not unique to Fallout or any game released during and after its glory days. This lack of originality doesn’t make the game bad in any way, but just not so special that it deserves being considered a masterpiece of role playing when other games like it can compete for such a title.

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