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/games/ - Games

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So, i live with a minimum wage and sometimes barely make ends meet. in recent years since ive had some cash to spare i brought games on steam (sometimes at full price) the thing is. i feel like a moron being ripped off. these companies have been adding piles upon piles of dlcs and battlepasses even in singleplayer games. Silent hill 2 remake is 27% of my wage alone (i didnt and im never buying it cuz fuck konami) i hate these greedy companies and i dont want to support them. should i feel like scum for pirating games?

No, the ones who should feel ashamed are the capitalists.

Ironically, those map-coloring strategy games are among the most politically charged, and politics taught them that they should sell games at several times the price.



You should feel bad for pirating Disco Elysium because it's stupid, play through it all and you'll see. I scoured that game and came out hating the retarded devs. I don't even feel bad about them getting all their shit stolen. Estonians all need help, and Disco Elysium is just exporting that mindset blended together with Twitter memes as filler. Anyways, that being said the game did get stolen so why feel bad about pirating?
The truth is pirating is a parallel thing to buying a game anyways. I supported 4 or 5 devs on steam in the last year and ended up using torrents anyways since I prefer saving torrent files as a method of syncing to cloud storage
If you really need an excuse, tell yourself you'll buy them later if they're good.

Just buy the indie game you feel bad about not giving money to later if you get the spare change for it.
Never buy AAA.
Maybe buy AA for multipolarism reasons if you got pissing money but indie is still more efficient for that.

NTA but if you buy games for multipolarism reasons make sure you don't buy microtransaction slop which the CPC has pointed out is unnecessary financialization and not productive and leads games companies to avoid shipping more Black Myth Wukongs
Anyways yeah Chinese programmer bugmen are 1000 links higher than Phil Fishes on the great chain of being

My opinion as a gamer, games are time consuming sinks that will drain your life away. It is basically a drug, and if you are hooked in drugs and dont have money, you are fucked. It is better to have your games and not be on the streets, so pirate the games, always. No one will ever come to you and say, "damm bro, you pirated my game, o feel sad now and i an angry at you". Idk, if you feel bad ahout It, do some volunteer work, make the poor not die from Hunter and start a new cult church.

Pirating a video game is literally one of the least unethical actions you could do, literally don't care about it. If you didn't buy the game and just didn't play it they would be in the exact same position

lol. if you dont want to pay then just dont

>you should feel bad
ok religious fanatic

>for pirating media i like

fucking lmao

even under your own petit-bourgeois standards the authors of DE got fucked by the shareholders anyway lol

>support le small businesses
another pb

>buy games for multipolarism reasons
retardation beyond the moralists in the rest of the thread, congrats

>Should i feel shitty for pirating a game?
No, never.

>le small buisness (whedonistic tense)
>I will consume the overfunded, advertized slop and give it more money to be even more overfunded and run more ads.
You buy games so the devs can make more.

>illegalism flag
Bitch, you should be asking "should I feel shitty for murdering class enemies" and immediately replying "no".

Only pay for a game for the pragmatic purpose of incentivizing outstanding creators to make more, particularly solo or small indie groups. Never pay a distributor/publisher.

Paying for digital media is artificial scarcity itself.
You are not 'stealing'. A video game is not bread, where you taking a loaf could make someone else starve. You are making a copy of information, you might as well be asking if you're stealing Marx's ideas by reading or repeating them.

*charging for digital media

No, that's the only answer I can give you, even when it's from people you like. Pirating movies or games or music is actually virtuous.

Piracy is the moral option if you care about those things.

I pirate everything, that's my default action. What's happened recently is that when I happen to really like a game, if it's by an indie dev, then I'll buy it, just for the support. I'll keep playing my pirated version.
AAA releases and DENUVO releases can eat shit though, they're not seeing any $ no matter how much I like the game.

If you don't pirate it, you don't own it. That's them apples, across the entertainment landscape.

That's what I did for minecraft. These days I use my minecraft account for skins but other than that I try to keep it cracked because of 1.19+ spyware.

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>piracy is immoral? erm actually paying is immoral!
Leftoids are incapable of escaping the confines set by the same things they're criticizing, god damn.

Any reason to consume anything is as good as any, retard. Did you even read their post? Some "communists" we've got.

You should feel like a moron for even considering spending what little money you have on games, tbh, assuming it's true that you "barely make ends meet". Morality matters little when you're starving.

Socialism isn't asceticism. You will engage with the current economy and culture as it currently is, and you will actually go outside and apply theory as praxis. You will never be a communist until you live in a socialist mode of production in which communism would be possible to transition to.

You should give a medal for yourself for not making pigs fatter with your meagre living.

Wtf even is this thread?
Who cares?
Steal everything.

no idiot

Fake illegalist.

Also, voting with your wallet is bs and most of the money goes to greedy businessmen anyway, although you can throw some spare money to indie developers for food. And buying old games is downright stupid, the authors aren't even getting any money. Like, why, WHY!!?

The only reason to buy a game is if there's no pirate version available and you can't go on living without playing the game and you can actually afford buying it.

I have never bought a single game in my life. When I was a kid my dad used to buy me a few pirated games on the black market, but that was before the internet become widely available in my country. Since then I just torrent whatever is worth checking out at all, which is not much in reality.

If I'm already wasting my time playing a game there's no need to waste my money too. Western gamers have a similar idea: they waste a lot of money buying games on steam but then only play a few them. Indirectly they finance our playtime, so it's a win-win cooperation.

There's nothing wrong with pirating video games. Intellectual property is a spook.

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