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/games/ - Games

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I got good news and bad news, good news is this 15 year old cowboy shay Daniels game is coming to PC after so long in 29 October, bad news is, you're gonna "have" to pay 50 dollars for steam to play it. So contact your local piratebay smuggler, tell him fitgirl repacks has a new target.

fitgirl hero of the people

RDR is better than RDR 2

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I prefer GUN

RDR1 is so old now that paying 50 bucks for it is retarded. You'd be much smarter to just run it on a PS3 emulator

The only reason I buy games is for multiplayer or mods. I'm guessing modding will be one of the biggest draws for people.

You can mod a pirated version surely.

the shadows of the damned remaster is $25 and I think that's the highest a remaster should be priced

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FYI with inflation the monkey island thing is now up to $47.24 USD.

arguably it's even easier to mod pirated games than steam games. steam often prevents you from modding games if there's no steam workshop. the steam software exerts strong control over your file system.

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mashallah only 6 days left till fitgirl posts a torrent

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Game is finally on PC and modder gods are already creating art. John Marston watching absolute cinema

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why did marston always look so fucking done with life in the first game, always looking pissed off on the verge of commiting a murder

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>that what i mean mister, that shinji feller was just like me, a man too afraid to lose his loved ones i've only ever realized it too late.
>John my dear boy what in Apollo's name are you talking about?

The whole time the government is holding his family hostage to coerce him into being a gunslinger again and hunting down his old comrades. Of course he's cranky.

don't forget the people he has to rely on for help on his adventure are a snake oil merchant, wiley irish arms dealer. guy who may have banged corpses. and that's just in america, in mexico he has to help el presidente from tropico 5 and a rebel leader who rather fuck girls more than fighting. amazed at john's didn't shoot any of them for information along the way, when west dickens tells you to go win another race for money john is like "yes honey" as if he has no choice

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Is he stupid?
If you return to the cave in the final act in rdr2 and grab the money dutch had in a cave. It amounts to 50k. Adjustable for inflation it amount Like ten millions in today's money. Motherfucker dutch literally had that much robbed from uncle sam and still had the NERVE to tell you we need more money. screw Australia or tahiti motherfucker could have purchased an entire island for his gang hoes or an entire village in Canada.

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Dutch was either pic related or he was just using the money as an excuse and simply lived to fight. I lean toward the latter given his dialogue in RDR1.

Impeccable taste, we need a remaster of that game

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