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Let idiots kill themselves

File: 1729701477253.jpg (10.99 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

I agree

File: 1729766381875.webp (162.87 KB, 716x934, AmTR_Arvo_Sad.webp)

Ben was just a kid, it's not realistic that everyone would adapt to the apocalypse seamlessly and be a super zombie killer. He shouldn't have been put into combat situations and he never acted with malice. Now if you want a REAL villain then we have fucking Arvo

arvo, like a lot of characters in s2, was a victim of shit writing

ben, sarah and the burned black kid were notorious for get others killed. retards have to die off so everyone else has a a chance, that is the lesson

I mean yeah they did fuck up a lot, but still I don't think you can kill someone just for being kind of a screwup. At best exile them and they can try make it on their own.

True enough.

>At best exile them
they would snitch and get your group raided
>I don't think you can kill someone
you pretty much can
>True enough.
carver was the only decent part and Lee's evil twin(i am srs)

Maybe we should kill the people who want to dispose the weak ones, they don't are trustworthy at all, and will stab anyone in the back they consider useless.
>Made and approved by the SmartoCracy gang.


>they don't are trustworthy at all

<implying weak people are trustworthy
try harder libtard
>will stab anyone in the back they consider useless.
wrong, they will stab you in the face and use you as a sign post

ACCtually, you see, in those desperate times, the weak and vulnerable should be protected by the capable, and have their psychological and physical state well cared for by the capable.
It is the only HUMANE thing to do, is H U M A N N A T U R E , where is our M O R A L S if we don't do that?
It is clear to me, that the smart kids are only falling because they are being forced in labor they are not familiar with. Since they are so smart, we should give then decision and planning make parts of our group.
The strong can maintain the survival of the group, and the TECHNOCRACY can maintain high moral. It is only fair.

>Made and approved by the SmartoCracy gang.

>Since they are so smart, we should give then decision and planning make parts of our group.
then obviously they are strong
>the weak and vulnerable should be protected by the capable
shoulda woulda coulda
> high moral.
spooki dooki

Dont worry, big guy, when you sacrifice yourself for the GREATER GOOD, we will surely remember and honor your efforts, and make sure your example inspire generations to come.
>spooki dooki
Jokes on you, you are a spooki dooki, ever thought of that? I am only joking of course, we don't have anything against little spookis, we are pals! Friends, even Brothers!

>you are a spooki dook

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