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/games/ - Games

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(Halloween thread) What would be a perfect Amnesia game for you?
I would give the protagonist some limited weaponry (think about pickaxe and dynamite from first Penumbra game, and of a gun you have for one part of SOMA), but would both make them extremly limited and punishing to use offensively at the cost of protagonist's sanity (killing the monster looks and feels so gruesome it gives you sanity damage), so that it should be impossible (at least for an average player) to simply "kill everything in your path" and stealth gameplay is still the primary part of the game.
Add an ability to "lay down and pretend dead" that can be used to make the monsters ignore you, but can only be used for a short time (proportional to your sanity level).
Add more ranged enemies and enemies walking on ceilings, attacking you from above (Rebirth has both already, however its ranged enemies appear only at the end of the game, and ceiling-walking enemy is actually a fakeout who is only a harmless scripted cinematic)
Add a little bit of non-linearity (At minimum, there should have been multiple paths to progress forwards and the secret rooms you can miss on first playthrough, at maximum… look at the Dark Descent custom map "Fleeing Brennenburg" to see how the non-linear structure can potentially work well in an Amnesia game) at the cost of the game's story being a little bit shorter than Dark Descent (roughy comparable to "What if there were no Agrippa and instead you get to Alexander soon after the sewer level?")
Add at least one puzzle using the sanity mechanic (e.g. there is a mystic object you can see only on low sanity and thus you need to lower your sanity by… eating a psychedelic mushroom or something)

…and graphics can be still on the level of Dark Descent (although I would prefer if they were just a little bit better than Dark Descent) as long as the engine is meachanically interesting and supports easy custom map and mod creation
If any part of the Dark Descent engine needed improvement, it is non-hostile NPC (I get that you are SUPPOSED to be alone and surrounded by enemies and darkness for majority of the game), but lack of even primitive dialogue interface severely limits an amount of plots the custom map maker can tell
Oh, I almost forgot the most important part…

Multiple lanterns. With each one potentially having its own fuel source (e.g. you can have a modern flashlight that consumes batteries, an old lantern that consumes oil, and a lighting stick that doesn't consume any fuel, all on different stages of the same game)

Bumping the thread for the last time

Sorry I never really played it.

Ok I have an idea for it. I think with where the games have been going the ultimate one will have to be set during the holocaust. But this is my idea for the most disgusting and scary horror game ever.
Nazis are murdering Jews and Gypsies in this massive disgusting horror factory where people are tortured to death through long processing machines and you are the only survivor as a 10 year old child. The soundscape will be this terrifying industrial clanging and screetching so you don't know what is metal and what is someone being crushed in the machine. There are three monsters. The most numerous are the nazis who are meant to be running the facility. They have guns and will oneshot you with their rifles if you fuck up and get spotted. Either they joke and laugh and try to talk to you or are dead silent and all you can hear are their footsteps. You start at the outside (but escape is impossible because of some reason) and here the nazis are your only enemy. It's not too hard to escape them though because its a new facility built on an old one and there are lots of places to hide. There should be many ways to approach problems at first, maybe it can even be like an immersive sim kind of thing. You can find a pistol and even kill the nazis but it takes several bullets to kill them and you struggle to even hold the gun and it shakes around a lot because you're a child so it's not a good option, and the nazis will oneshot you so you can't tank and spank. There will be several portions where you have to enter the machine to escape them and you are forced further in. You find some stuff about an elite SS nazi unit who had been sent to protect the 'ritual site'. If it isn't obvious the nazis are doing mass human sacrifice.
So you go further in and now there is not a hint of sunlight. The support facility becomes less important and the machine is bigger, and now the nazis have to walk through it all the time. The nazis themselves seem to have let themselves go, they hardly look like the ubermensch and are starting to degrade with scabby skin and dirty uniforms. The talking ones have struggle speaking but the silent ones stay completely silent. They are more sluggish and have worse aim. Here you start to see lobotomized people walking around doing menial tasks. They also attack you when ordered, they are the second enemy type and they are like the zombies from the other games, but its clear here they still have their personalities left its just they can't think independently anymore. They still mumble to themselves. At the end of this section you see the human farm, which is disgusting as it sounds and is for making constant babies for human sacrifice. I think its important to add this because I think this is the scariest and most disgusting kind of thing, like nothing in horror makes me more horrified than that kind of stuff. Maybe you even see someone you know in there. After escaping this area you're forced into a part of the machine that just gets smaller and smaller until you're shuffling through a Junji Ito esque hole in the wall except its a frame and there's machinery whirring centimetres from your body and people, still alive, transported above you in agony. Your gun is broken and hand crushed in a machine at this point.
In this third section the support building thats left is entirely built of metal and is lit only by red lamps. You scramble out from a mechanism only to see the last of the crack SS team enter the machine and lie down on the conveyor belt. All the nazis are killing themselves because the war is lost and they will soon be found by the allies. Its also a bit like the torture machine short story by Kafka. The monsters here are just the lobotomized people, who don't seem to even want to attack you, and the last guards who are in the process of feeding themselves to the machine.
The final section is just the machine. There is no more other building, and its unclear if you are even still in a building. You can't see past the machine. Everyone fed into it is still alive, the last of which is a nazi who smiles as he is cut open on the massive conveyor belt. The only enemy here is the enviroment… and the third enemy which is the darkness. It has been following you all game and shows up randomly. When it does you just have to hide instantly because if it spots you, you're dead. I always thought the thing in the first game was the scariest part of it (the zombies weren't scary once they were revealed tbh). Most importantly you can't look directly at it and you're given plenty of time to hide first. Only in the last section is this made more difficult.
Eventually you reach the end of the machine. The conveyor spits out the bodies into a massive hopper. All still alive, they are pressed down and forced down into whatever is below them. You just have to run across it as people try to grab your legs and because of the lack of new bodies the level is going down. At the other side you reach a platform and watch as the last people are fed into a rock crusher. Only one way is left, a ladder down. Taking it you come out in another sort of factory. The people are being fed out of a nozzle as dog food. The whole operation was only ever a sacrificial altar by accident. It was mainly just this. Workers find you and they are shocked, they don't know who you are and try to help you before the monster kills them all.
In the final sequence you escape the factory which is now collapsing. You fall to the ground on the outside and you're about to be killed by the monster…
When the Red Army arrives. The monster flees as a T34 rolls up and a Soviet soldier comes and comforts you as you struggle to recount what has happened. After listening intently he nods and says that they are going to destroy the monster for good. He says that America will fall after Germany and everyone will live happily as dawn breaks. But the monster is still there… waiting for Stalin to die.

I think this will be a good entry to the series. It builds on the themes of Amnesia, Machine for Pigs and The Bunker. I haven't played the other one though.

Unique IPs: 3

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