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/games/ - Games

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Name one game where your enemies are the empire known as the united states and not made up arab speaking group in some middle eastern shithole

real life

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the vietnamese game where you kill the fr*nch. the company that made it has transitioned to mobile games, but curiously enough back then when they made this game most of their developers were women

Not exactly burgerstan but beggars can't choose.
Did they give french npcs quotes to scream while you shoot at them?

Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Adventure 2
Spec Ops The Line

Does it have to be the U$ army specifically or can it be a standin for the U$ army (like what they do with making up fictional middle eastern countries to invade). Like there are a lot of games where you fight notU$ army. But the most famous game where you fight explicitly U$ forces is Half Life, and then after that Spec Ops the line. Both are great games.

World in conflict

I often play as Hezbollah and Hamas in the online shooter Squad, fighting against Israeli and American forces.

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Yeah if we're including multiplayer then Battlefield, COD WAW, etc. WW2 RTS often has a Germany campaign as well. Not to mention HOI4

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mgs phantom pain has you fighting western backed mercenaries from both south africa and (no longer) rhodesia and from UNITA. they fight on the side of the U$ so here's that. and if you want direct confrontation with americans the beta game ground zeros has you infiltrating guantanamo bay.

if i remember the game before the two where you help the sardinistas still ruffles some feathers, second pic is from under a metal gear peace walker playthrough

The fucking gusanos seething LMAO


>I often play as Hezbollah and Hamas in the online shooter Squad, fighting against Israeli and American forces.
WTF that sounds sick i was talking about that just yesterday in Palestine General.
Is the game actually good?
Can you fire the remote control rockets Hez use like from MGS1?

The game is good - it's difficult. Yes there are rocket barrages and anti-air cannons and all sorts of improvised weapons available to the Hamas and Hezbollah factions. Mostly in the form of vehicles but I think they also get mortars, hell cannons, and other emplacements. Maybe also off the map artillery but I don't recall off the top of my head.

It's kind of one of those shooters that can turn into, "I spawn, a random bullet from nowhere kills me, I spawn again." However, with a good group of folks that work together it's a lot of fun.

Oh, and actually this is a mod I think called Global Escalation that adds Hamas and Hezbollah, but it's a popular mod and there's always multiple servers hosting it. It also adds the Kurdish YPG, Turkey, and a bunch of other factions.

There's also Knights of Al Aqsa (most awesome game ever)

this is canon as sonic and his furry friends would resist the United States of robotuyghan’s imperialism of mobius

There's a ww2 campaign in bf5 where you fight muricans as a German tank commander but i see why it's not exactly what OP is looking for.

It's just funny seeing the enemy NPCs shooting at you yelling in a 40s accent "hey kraut! Read the flag pal, you're messin with a real Boston boy!" Instead of the typical german talk you hear in a red army or burger campaign

>Kojima tankie phase
I'll never forgive the tankie word inventor

this one

This unironically. Sonic also fought against GUN but that's 'cause he was framed. Both Sonic and Shadow later joined GUN despite them literally killing Gerald and Maria. They've literally murdered their own employee and his little daughter. Think about it. Let that sink in. Government-approved. If that didn't scar Eggman and Shadow for life then I don't know what will.

Sonic be like
> NOOO shadow, long time no see, don't attack the police, even in self defense. Just let them shot you, always remember, all cops are based shadow!

>>38453 (me)
Did I just respond to my own post?
>> NOOO shadow, long time no see, don't attack the police, even in self defense.
I wish there was a mod that disabled an allied faction from shooting you.

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Does this count?

>Does this count?

Rising storm 1 let you play as the IJA vs Marines
Rising Storm 2 let you play as NLF and PAVN vs the US and South Vietnam

>>38462 (me)
But at least the missions are fixed in the SA1-style mission mod so Sonic and friends don't just tolerate your bullshit or demand you to check every corner, the amount of enemies/allies you kill simply increases/decreases your time limit.

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