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/games/ - Games

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Every game is a Psyop

It's a game about dragons. Don't overthink this.

Also, analogies suck ass most of the time, this is literally the kind of logic rightoids would use.

your breath smells like flouride

>It's a game about dragons. Don't overthink this.
<In the legends and mythological tales the dragon is the guardian of priceless treasures hidden on top of high mountains and difficult to reach areas inaccessible by humans, so for example we find him guarding the Golden Fleece and the garden of the Hesperides, where it grows' tree of golden apples, probably the real treasure is not traditionally a combination of jewels and coffers overflowing with gold to which we are accustomed, but the knowledge of ancient and priceless designed a few brave, especially as regards the control of energy sexual life and gives death and the knowledge of creation.

Where is the music from? I like this style of a series of relatively short drones.
>stop noticing things chvd!

What's your point?

there is more to reality

I didn't say "Stop noticing things." I said "Stop overthinking things." Analogies are not a historical materialist analysis of a work. Noticing that dragons guard treasures in fairytales is not overthinking. It's stating a fact.

<According to University of Arizona researcher Merrie Brucks, an ad we watched when we were five years old can influence our buying behavior when we're 50.
>"Children are vulnerable to messages that are fun and sound good. Because their minds are so open to all of that. They're open to everything," Brucks says.

Okay but how does the plot of Spyro directly translate into "foreigners bad?" Aren't people supposed to seperate reality and fiction? And how can one come to the conclusion that white Americans are literally dragons from Spyro? And what about the intent of the authors and their actual political beliefs?

Take Zetsubou-sensei as an example. People on /anime/ thought it was very leftist. But then BLAM! The author is a nettouyo. Who would have thought? You can never be certain what goes on in a person's mind with so little data on hand.

Well is there an indie that gets the gameplay aspect about the same without falling into similar habits? Might be a neat project if not yet.

whats the name?

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