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Hey, I am editor anon again. Currently, I made the legion much more dangerous in a mod I’m working on.

Simply put, I replaced most of the legion’s weapons with the 12.7mm submachine gun. For those unaware, this gun is one of the strongest guns in game, and it is used canonically by the Legion’s assault divisions. By having most legion soldiers use this gun, the legion stands a better chance against most factions, and fighting the legion feels much more fierce than a point and click experience against tribesmen with literal spears.

So why did I buff the legion? Well, I am trying to fix the gunplay, and I feel like I found the solution. My approach is to make guns stronger and more widely used. I believe that if most characters use guns, New Vegas’ gameplay should feel much more exciting. From the play tests I have, this idea holds up. Having more enemies use guns makes the game play more like a shooter. Coincidentally, the increased firepower also makes the game feel more representative of the lore.

From the tests I have done, the effect of making guns more common is immediate. Fiends use marksman carbines and assault rifles, most neutral NPCs are armed with shotguns and 10mm submachine guns, supermutants use light machine guns and mini guns, and other raider factions use a mix of assault rifles and sniper rifles.

Also, I added tracers to all the rounds, and I made bullets much faster and gave them weight. The game plays more like a proper shooter than it used to.

I am getting close to finishing the mod. However, there are still changes I want to make. Mainly, I want to include more recoilless rifles into the game. I do not believe the developers did the grenade launchers and handheld missile launchers justice. I think small arms like that would be great for the game’s NPC battles. If you want to know what an NPC battle looks like in game, here is a clip from a modded version of Men of War 2 to visualize what my version of New Vegas looks like.
<yes, the gameplay in the video is almost representative of what my version of new Vegas is like, but I have not made the recoilless rifles standard weapons yet

I havent played it in a long time, but isnt it a bad shooter mostly because guns feel like shit? barely any recoil, low damage, no visual feedback/stagger enemy on hit

That plays a part in the problem, but the bigger issue is the fact that you never get to really have gun fights. Most of New Vegas is spent shooting at tribesmen with sticks and blunts or mutated animals. Even fallout 3 had better gunplay in the sense that the player was more likely to use guns. The moment you get to use guns more often, the game does play much better.

Update. I just used the geck to turn all of repconn’s feral ghouls into waste lander ghouls. Then I gave all the ghouls a hostile AI and 10mm submachine guns. Repconn (place where you have the Jason bright mission) now feels like a place that realistically could fight against the super mutants. However, expect to get lit the fuck up if you try fighting your way into the facility.

Also, I changed the name ‘wastelander ghoul’ to ‘armed ghoul’

Hi again. I would like some feedback for this idea.

I’m arming the civilian population of New Vegas. You know how in the lore, American society collapses and multiple major faction wars along with tribal skirmishes ravage the former territories? My idea is to make all civilians bear arms to promote the idea that self defence and feudal societal structures are the only way for wastelanders to survive the harshness of post-war America. In game, this also stops the player or actual raider factions from casually popping a hole in each civilian’s skull without consequence.

I bugged Repcon’ test site fully now.

If you decide to complete the quest with my mod, you can enjoy getting lit the fuck up by ghouls with 10mm submachine guns both out and in the facility, and if that shit doesn’t kill you, enjoy getting mowed down by machine-gun strapped nightkin.

Buffed* not bugged. I meant to say buffed

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I buffed all the guns so that they would deal a believeable amount of damage. Such a good fucking idea. Mowing down deathclaws with an LMG feels so fucking good.

Progress update

I’m still focusing on adding in more firepower to the game through providing more guns, but I think this modding experience has taught me something important about game design. Buffs are always better for combat than nerfs.

By buffing more aspects of the game’s combat, the game ultimately becomes much more enjoyable and develops a proper learning curve. Super mutants have LMGs that hit hard, so now those creatures really feel terrifying to fight against. Ranged enemies are common, so now the player is forced to think more about how they prepare for combat and approach each fight. I buffed the guns, so now each gun hits much stronger and further as they would in real life, which forces the player to consider visibility and range much more. I also buffed each NPC’s HP, so even the weakest NPCs can still offer a decent fight to someone crazy enough. Coincidentally, gunfights also last longer and require more involvement. I’m also going to give more NPCs explosives and aid equipment, so the fights feel more dynamic and so that they can last just a bit longer.

My version of the game is very hard to beat, but the combat feels so much more satisfying.

Do you guys no of any mods that allows me to easily hire NCR grunts in any conflict?

I’m trying to invade camp searchlight, but I buffed the ghouls so hard that every time I enter into the town, I get lit the fuck up in seconds to minutes.

There’s no way to progress through certain parts of the game without having companions.

Alright, the mod will be posted today, but I have some warnings and some recommendations.

I recommend you pair this mod with simple AI, navmesh mods, useful sound level, enhanced awareness, and other AI mods to get the full experience.

I do have a warning. This mod is very hard. NPCs will behave more like the player, will shoot from further distances, and they will be equipped with decent guns. For balance, I have less NPCs armour, but I also bugged the health of most NPCs to match the player. Almost all NPCs have around 100hp.

If you’re going to use the mod, make sure that you have your actor view distance cranked up past 15.

Anyways, the mod is released.

here are the features and upcoming updates:
>nearly all NPCs only fight using guns. This also means that the legion exists as a greater threat now, because all the fighters there also use guns.
>most NPCs have their health raised to 100
>raider-type NPCs don't wear metal armor but normal clothes
>NPCs also had their AI tweaked to favor ranged combat more

<updates to soon be implemented

>ghoul integration. Basically I have a ghoul module in development. The module makes all ghouls into ranged enemies that exist as a meaningful threat to the player. I can't put it into the base mod, because it would cause some issues with some quests, so currently, I am working through the GECK and some scripts to get that bug fixed.
>NCR buffs. I forgot to give all the troopers service rifles. In the base game, the developers for some reason only allow NCR troopers to carry service rifles after the player hits a certain level. Personally, I think that decision is dogshit.

that is all for now. Have fun

Quick update:

>The NCR had their gear fixed

>I buffed the fire rate for most of the submachine guns and assault rifles. The 10mm submachine gun now fires as fast as the mp5/10.
>the tracer idea got disregarded. I found that combat was much more intense without tracers.
>the light machine gun also got a fire rate buff. It now fires about as fast as it’s real world counter part
>NPCs carrying service rifles will now drop a full mag (20 rounds) of ammo.

<future concerns

>I will be nerfing the raiders. I don’t think it makes any sense for those people to be allowed to have sniper rifles. Raider weaponry will be limited to semi automatic assault rifles, submachine guns, and shotguns.
>NCR troopers that are seen not wearing a helmet will be given combat helmets.
>ammo drops might increase to compensate for how much ammunition is needed to get through certain fights
>enemy spawns might reduce in numbers for balance

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Progress update: I’m really proud with how my game is turning out. This is the only version of New Vegas where the raiders actually feel as powerful and believable as they are in the lore

u should add moon dust

Anyways, the second version of the mod is out
>tracers removed from the 5.56mm and 5mm rifles
>Most raiders no longer possess precision rifles
>the 127mm submachine gun had an ammo drop increase
>ballistics finally added to the projectiles
>civilian-type NPCs now possess handguns

Cool story

I was playtesting again, and I was walking towards Boulder City. Mind you, I had a mod called “open Mojave” so the city’s interior was seamlessly integrated with the world space. As I prepared for the shootout, I heard assault rifle fire.

I started the quest, it was a quest where I would have a shootout with the Khans. I fired the first shot, nabbed one of those raiders, and took cover behind a car. All the NCR troops (I think around five or seven) behind me started firing immediately and took cover behind the car I was up against.

I tried to support the team with my lousy brush gun, but the NCR was fighting really well. Those soldiers only lost two soldiers, and the khans lost their entire troop. I think about nine or ten of those raiders were shot dead by the time I started looking into digging their inventories for loot. Me, I only managed to kill one Khan with a lucky shot.

I first time that I have ever felt like the NPCs were actually helpful in a single player game in a while. Hell, it was also the first time where the NCR felt competent in New Vegas…

I also want to stress just how impactful that fight was. The Khans had marksman carbines (game equivalent to an M4A1 with a scope) while the NCR had service rifles (Vietnam era M16s with wooden stocks). The entire gunfight lasted for about a minute and a half. The soldiers fired behind a car, and the Khans hid behind rubble, buildings, vehicles, and walls. It’s incredible knowing how well the concentrated fire of the NCR was at holding back those raiders. You really have to play the mod for yourself to know just how safe I felt.

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