what were some notable ragequit moments you've had in videogames?
I've been playing Diablo II (the original) for the first time, and on act 3 there's a random dungeon I went in where RIGHT AT THE FUCKING ENTRANCE there are like 15 snake enemies that IMMEDIATELY gang up on you and spam you with attacks, killing you LITERALLY in 1 to 2 seconds max. I have lost a lot of gear there trying to recover the loot in the dozens of bodies that I left there after dying many times to these extremely cheap snakes.
How can a game that's so good have such comical difficulty spikes out of nowhere? You're breezing through the game, and then suddenly a mob of roided up monsters come out of the shadows and fold you like a lawn chair
>>38976>what were some notable ragequit moments you've had in videogames?I seem to quit strategy and puzzle games a lot because my brain dumb, like with Portal 1 and 2 (fuck you, potato GLaDOS).
I never quit action games, NEVER.