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/games/ - Games

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what were some notable ragequit moments you've had in videogames?

I've been playing Diablo II (the original) for the first time, and on act 3 there's a random dungeon I went in where RIGHT AT THE FUCKING ENTRANCE there are like 15 snake enemies that IMMEDIATELY gang up on you and spam you with attacks, killing you LITERALLY in 1 to 2 seconds max. I have lost a lot of gear there trying to recover the loot in the dozens of bodies that I left there after dying many times to these extremely cheap snakes.

How can a game that's so good have such comical difficulty spikes out of nowhere? You're breezing through the game, and then suddenly a mob of roided up monsters come out of the shadows and fold you like a lawn chair

metal slug X tryng to do a no-death run in episode 4

getting in a spawn death loop in Halo 2s legendary campaign when I was trying to beat the game in under 3 hours for an achievement

I don't think I've had one. Imagine playing games that make you angry.
I've left a few games early, like that time in CoD (BO?) where one team in our public lobby match was an organized clan who pushed us back to our spawnpoints and spawncamped us. No point just getting shot for 10 minutes, but it was more just eh than ragequitting.

Some RPG had a gltich that made an achievement unobtainable. That triggered my autism and made me seethe and mald for weeks.

>what were some notable ragequit moments you've had in videogames?
I seem to quit strategy and puzzle games a lot because my brain dumb, like with Portal 1 and 2 (fuck you, potato GLaDOS).

I never quit action games, NEVER.

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Overthrown has me rage quitting fs. It's an absolute scam painted up like an interesting game. Even the title makes me cringe.

That fast Nioh 1 dude who just absolutely obliterates you while you can't keep up, had me uninstall the game

In every CRPG I do a blind playthrough which eventually results in getting fucked in the ass by some combat encounter, resulting in ragequit & reading guides/discussions for better builds.

I quit Metro Exodus when it took all my ammo to defeat one zombie (who I’m pretty sure you can’t sneak past) and then found out there was a whole sewer full of them I had to get past.

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