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/games/ - Games

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They just are. Not only are they better than the new games, they're better than the originals too.
>Dreamcast Conversion is better than both SA1 and SADX
>Team Fortress 2 Classic is better than both beta and modern TF2
>Project+ is better than both Melee and Brawl
The only other good versions of these games are the OG releases (Sonic Adventure International, Team Fortress 2 Beta, Super Smash Bros Melee). But why play the OG releases when the mods provide so much more? And that is only scratching the surface. If the game is FLOSS then it's even easier to remaster it, look at Doom or Quake or Friday Night Funkin'.

Sure, unless you care about authenticity or whatever I don't see how this is a controversial point at all. There's also Project '06 speaking of Sonic

You mean playing on original hardware? Well, it doesn't make this or that version "better," it's just a personal preference. I myself cannot truly understand why one needs to store a bajillion consoles in their room like AVGN unless it's purely for trying to relive "the good 'ol days."

>I don't see how this is a controversial point at all
Well, there was a consolefag in another thread who complained about mods being broken or clashing with the games' artistic vision. Just wanted to hammer in a point.

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