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What games do leftypol play? I played through Stalker recently, I also like Deus Ex, Mount and Blade Warband, Dark Souls. I play supreme commander daily and generally enjoy strategy games.
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The military spending that it takes to fight off the CIA death squads is almost too much to handle. Getting help from the Soviets and the Cubanos is an absolute must, as is technologically developing your coffee growing co-ops. I have not figured out anything that I can possibly do to salvage the cotton growing industry, though.


>>18882 (me)
Swear Im not a shill but this game dropped and the reviews are glowing. Might want to hold off on buying it unless you really like the concept and have money to burn because a fair amount of folks are saying its more of a tech demo than a game, but still think its super promising. Ill probably pick it up anyhow, Looks pretty epic if you ask me
here are some screenshots taken by the players


>it's yet another low tech survival/colony building game



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Looks good, that second pic gives me Godus vibes. I loved that game on my phone.


I wish the game had soil types, doesn't make sense that a tribe in a ""jungle"" (reality: bunch of bamboo and palms, not dense at all) can manage agriculture just as well as someone in a river valley that's propably fertile as hell. I imagined making the enviroment realistic would have been his first goal.


Agreed, I'm personally bummed about the shallowness (no pun intended) of the water mechanics. I was hoping for dams, canals and irrigation channels yet there isn't even boats or fishing. Water just exists at one level across the whole map, so you can't even dig down far on land. Even minecraft is more sophisticated than that.
The game looks shallow in general and with only one dev, even if it pans out it'll take a while to finish. Hopefully some streamer makes it trend so the dev can hire more people but till then I'll just follow the patch notes


Ye. I wish I could help him work on the project, every time I play I see something that has potential to be a great mechanic.


I mostly play autism games
* ss13 (tg, colonial marines, whatever flavor of the month bullshit someone starts)
* dwarf fortress,
* civ 5 BNW sometimes
also been playing a game called forts a lot lately which is quite fun


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>key vns refuse to fullscreen properly
>fate/stay night refuses to fullscreen properly
>chaos;head refuses to run at all
i know i chose this path when i've decided to install linux but it still fucking infuriates me so much


given its VNs, you could always run a VM. chaos;head noah seems to have a plat rating on protondb. not sure if anyone releases the proton prefixes but you could pay for it, crack it, and refund if the crack works. or just run the original in a psp emu.


i've managed to fix most of my issues, actually.
some key vns still work weird as fuck so i might get the psp/switch versions, but most of them work, chaos;head noah works fine, so i'll just wait for the patch from the committee of zero and then play it, and fate stay/night works after getting a new version of the game.
also i've found out that some games will refuse to run on my nvidia dgpu, but will run excellently on my intel igpu and amd egpu, so it's also related to my graphics card drivers. switching to the igpu is how i got muv-luv and dynasty warriors 7 running


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Are there any games like Valkyria Chronicles except soviet-themed? I'm kinda tired of WW2 vidya that solely shows the allies' perspective


I play Shin Megoomi Tensay games


Persona clone smh -_-


which ones are you playing through now? i'm doing a hard 'cturne playthrough on my switch. the hd remaster is pretty disappointing for its msrp, i expected something better. i bought it on a huge discount so it was worth it, but it's still annoying how they basically didn't bother to improve any aspect of the base game or redo/crop the fmvs in a better way. the only good thing they did was add the ability to choose your fusion skills


what is socialist about brutal legend?


I play Budokai Tenkaichi 2 with spergs and get my shit ran


i did the hardmode cockturns play and couldn't beat satan. final fight felt like a coin flip.


i really think a lot of it is like that, as much as i love the game. the element of enemies and the player being fragile to make level differences matter less than skill, ironically ends up killing you in dungeons and boss fights because of lucky crits and weaknesses you won't know about if you're playing the game blind. the fact that you get a game over if the enemy manages to kill your male-to-fiend doesn't help either


picked up squad recently. it's alright. I wish we could spectate because I enjoy the atmosphere more than the actual gameplay.


More SP games lately, working thru Shadows of Rose and Planescape:Torment finally. I might start writing a journal to help with mental health tbh.




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100 percenting this mf


Right now I'm finally playing bloodborne when I have the time and sometimes I play hearthstone's battlegrounds when I'm poopin.


Playing OTXO before Trepang2 comes out. Basically Hotline Miami meets Enter The Gungeon and FEAR.


Excellent game, got to go to the stars and managed to discover the "points for research/engineer powe" when I was 70.

Me and the utopians failed to lower the temp below 1.2 but on the rest excellent. Loved by all except myself, restorer of habitats and emissions lowered partially.


Currently learning Dominions 5


fellas, is the metal gear series anti communist or anti soviet?


anti-Millitarist first and foremost.


This. If anything, it's shockingly good on the USSR considering its the brainchild of a fucking lib.


so no cringe commentary on how the soviets are le bad and communism is le bad?
I always wanted to try it out, but it just seemed so anti soviet for some reason. Thank you fellas


>so no cringe commentary on how the soviets are le bad and communism is le bad?
here's clip of main characters dickriding Che Guevara


i don't remember any time Metal gear goes into an anti-communist or hyper anti- soviet tangent, most of the time the anti-sovietism comes against the KGB characters, but they also do it with the US government agencies, guess Kojima hates glowies as much as armies, in fact, i see Metal gear shitting on the US far more than the USSR, Peace walker is the biggest one that comes to my mind.


Lol which Metal Gear game can you kill US soldiers in? TBF you only get to play as Americans in the series right. Reminds me of how Resident Evil will never set a game in Japan or anywhere in Asia for that matter.


You get to cut down a whole bunch of cops in MGR. Though in context of the series, MGR3 being the only game where you fight a conventional military makes sense as it is a prequel that sets up the story of Big Boss and the rest of the series is all about mercenary outfits and shadowy cabals fighting each other as conventional warfare goes out of the window and proxy wars take its place.


Oh yeah, now I remember why I thought it was anti soviet, you kill mostly soviet soldiers in the games right? and then snake switches to being like a freelance mercenary?


>Lol which Metal Gear game can you kill US soldiers in?

MGS5 Ground Zeroes


You play from the U.S. side, yeah, but this is handled in a couple of ways. Most notably a big part of the text arguing soldiers loyalty to a country is a deficit to all soldiers, and that all combatants form a de facto brotherhood when such ideals vanish. (Some people also interpret this as the text encouraging a global army in defense of the people, though I don't agree).
Another way is to criticize the U.S. control over information as the hegemone, prevalence and proliferation of manufactured narratives, etc. There are a lot of angles, but none are "shooting red army men is good and just".
It's been awhile since I played it, but I remember MGS4 ending being particularly bitter towards U.S. foreign policy. An attitude Kojima has always had, up to and including Death Stranding by the way.

Don't misunderstood any of this: he's still a lib.


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My friend convinced me to get The Crew 2 since it was like £7 for ultimate edition and we can play together. God damn it feels completely mediocre though. I really should have expected that from an Ubishit game but man, it really feels half assed. The handling feels really slidey and awful but also really simplistic and easy, the graphics are really really bad, it looks like a X360 game in terms of textures on the cars and shit (yeah sure some nice effects but that hardly is impressive). And the cutscenes/line delivery are all absolutely awful, this game makes NFS Heat look like a masterpiece in comparison.

I dunno why I listen to this guy, he's such a pleb.


Oh yeah and I forgot to mention all the music is completely forgettable so far. Like how do you even manage to fuck that up when it's all licensed songs? Did they just go ultra cheap and get all noname bands and that's why it sounds so generic? Like in Forza we had CHVRCHES etc and it was fucking awesome. Listening to this song while driving round huge ramps on the Hot Wheels DLC was sublime. This shit has a 'very positive' on Steam too, I swear there's some review stuffing going on there.


Fuck off, Brit.



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heh, nothin personnel kid


what game even


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Year of Our Lord 0


I just played this


Hey! I played it too!


It's too hard.


Just started playing Path of Exile, as I enjoyed the Diablo IV beta but want to wait until it's reduced.
Having fun so far!


I like Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It's a class-based multiplayer FPS and it's available free of charge. I recommend using the open-source ET: Legacy client (you need the 32-bit version for mods, so download it). It works on both Windows and GNU/Linux. ET: Legacy has better support for modern hardware and it has fully working server browser. Some other resources: https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/wiki/Useful-Links

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