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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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jucika thread pls

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100 Ft a hideg lánogos gyere vissza Kádár János

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FYI you got a booru for this

Since my post here was deleted. I would like to applaud this OP for bringing to my attention and interesting caricature I was not aware of. Mods need to learn to moderate properly instead of deleting everything they see when asked to help after hours of spam.

I want to sex her

She wants to sex me :^)

who is Jucika?

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Hello Paheal

Some actual content (if it isn't on the booru please post it)

I like this thread, if only because it made me laugh and reminded me of Betty Boop and Amelia Bedelia and other wholesome lineart girls.

Why the hell would you do such a thing, a toothpaste blowjob would be horrible for both parties

It's supposed to be a funny cartoon my dude, shut your brain off. Do you try pick apart Looney Tunes or Calvin and Hobbes like what you just posted?

Its so transparently awful it breaks suspension of disbelief, Jucika is supposed to be slightly risque but still grounded, like cheeky moments from everyday life not whatever the fuck that was

Like I could imagine someone doing/being in these situations
But no sane human being would ever do that

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>transparently awful it breaks suspension of disbelief
No, no it doesn't. Toothpaste isn't fucking acid dude. And people love to fuck around with this kind of shit. Do you complain about porn ignoring morning breath too?

Calvin and Hobbes makes much more sense.

Bruh I've put toothpaste in my butt, it's not that bad. Feels tingly.

It's rule 34. Don't question the logic of fetish art.

I hate you guys so much. What the fuck is wrong with you

this is your brain on america
This is your brain on the right side of the cold wae

>manlets AND lanklets btfo
dangerously based

>omg how could you sexualise this obviously sexual character

what's a "lanklet"?


>Rule 34 that keeps the spirit of the original

I fucking love Jucika. The only good thing I got out of Twitter was learning about this comic.

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This is an original one right?

WTF ı'm neoliberal now

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Now this is a good one, lol. It's just the kind of asperger-tier thing to pull off.

the old man should have thrown away an entire pack

> Creator: Pusztai Pál rajza

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Of course they make futashit

These modern remakes are so fucking soulless.

Por Que?

this, yeah i can see why.

ur gay

Nice argument.

honestly surprised a Jack o' Pose meme didn't get done in Jucika form yet…

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he joke about when the lady says she gets her tomatoes so red by getting naked in front of them. She tells her neighbor to try it and the latter gets the results we see here

I know.


Draw something better then. lso while not all of Albo's stuff is good, there are some pretty funny or smart ones. Don't be a prude.

>here are some pretty funny or smart ones
Not really, The og comics were just cute and raunchy comics with nudes but with the newer nsfw one there just the same shit sex jokes and turns it into basic porn you can get anywhere else, that (6/10 of the time in twitter) was made by someone who jerks or makes underage porn.

>Draw something better then

Commission or get an another artist that isn't shit and suspicious

>Don't be a prude.

Said nothing about boobs

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>The og comics were just cute and raunchy comics
<same shit sex jokes
Have you seen the original Jucika? LOL
>Commission or get an another artist that isn't shit and suspicious
<implying I'm going to spend money on a comic parody
>Said nothing about boobs
Then what is your problem with >>19634 it's not as blatant or low effort as >>10153 or >>10127 and it's exactly in the same humor type as the original Jucika. Like I said, most of Aldo's stuff isn't for me, but they do draw Jucika well and a few of their comics are actually funny.

>Have you seen the original Jucika? LOL
yes with nudes

>implying I'm going

who said anything about you

>Then what is your problem with >>19634

albo is gay :^)

>their comics are actually funny.


>it's not as blatant or low effort

that just there art style, you don't have to throw other artist under the bus to succ x artist's cock

>who said anything about you
Given that your reply is to me, I assumed you told me to do so. Feel free to pay for commissions yourself.
>Albo is gay
Yes I know he's fag, doesn't really have much bearing on the content he makes. If the comics pushed some kind of homo liberalism, sure, fuck that, but it doesn't.
>don't have to throw other artist under the bus to succ x artist's cock
The hell are you talking about? I don't give a fuck about Aldo, they're just the most prolific Jucika parodist and do the drawings quite similar to the original art.

>Feel free to pay for commissions yourself.
again, was not talking about you. you just circled back into of my points
Anyone can just Commission or get an another artist that isn't shit and suspicious

>Yes I know he's fag

>pushed some kind of homo liberalism
now you're just making shit up :^)

>I don't give a fuck about Aldo

>they're just the most prolific Jucika parodist
the albo is doodoo :^)

>was not talking about you
<proceeds to ignore everything being said
Are you schizophrenic?

>4ch lingo
ur mum gay

I'd have thrown away some krokodil and hoped for the best.

>some krokodil
This didn't get made in the 90s slav anon.


quite insidious.

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Hardkoba's Jucika

I should watch his streams one day to know his process

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Ki az a Rick?

She looks like a cousin of Rei Ayanami or Alunya.

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Why she built so thicc?

Powerful magyar genes

lol why's she sleeping up there? you can't take her anywhere I love her

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more? :3

No amount of explicit nudity makes the new comics live up to the old ones. There's no charm when she's just posing for the male gaze. In the original the naughtiness is incidental to the character doing what she wants, for herself. The originals are believably from her persepctive, but the new ones posted ITT seem like they were made by manchildren who've never talked to a woman.

This is just porn

There's tasteful nudity and erotic humor and then there's just stylized porn. This is the latter.

who made the original and who is doing the new ones

but yeah incidentally sexiness is like 10000% hot
something about randomness is like ecstasy to the mind

why did you do that

coomers are a pure bane of my existence

>but yeah incidentally sexiness is like 10000% hot
Because if it's not random then it's patronizing. It's easy to try to be hot.


is jucika a communist

She was trained as a sleeper agent to subvert capitalist incel opposition members into communists via baiting them to date her (secretly subjected them to theory)

You know she's from socialist Hungary right?

Yes, for both domestic CIA-backed ones and foreign agents abroad

white girl pls go

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>No amount of explicit nudity makes the new comics live up to the old ones.
>muh male gaze
Lame ass lib nonsense.

>In the original the naughtiness is incidental to the character doing what she wants, for herself.

The guy that created Jucika was horny as fuck, Jucika was a published caricature strip however, so that means that nudity and sexuality were toned down to go through censors.

I agree that not all of the new ones are tasteful, but there's been a few good ones, and the style is very similar, which is harder to replicate than people think.

wow this is soulless even for porn

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Does jucika like small polish pps? Asking for a friend.

yeah she does

>Le goldilocks zone

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Bill Presing's 54 international cuties series is pretty similar in aesthetic, IMO.

I get the feeling that size isn't so much an issue for Jucika so much as how you use it. A big dick that's a boorish partner and a boring lay isn't gonna hear from her the next day but the little pp boi that rocks her world and treats her niceys is gonna be on call.

romanticizing bullfighting is fucked up

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>being a moralfag about a clearly stylized pinup
<on a site that makes memes about the Czar's execution and the GULAG
1-800-c'mon now

Bump for Jucika

cute :)

Crypto porn addict thread

gif version

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