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/hobby/ - Hobby

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Trying to get the /hobby/ ball rolling
I want to grow mushrooms. Does anybody have any tips? Or ways to start without buying a mass-manufactured kit?


Hallucinogenic mushrooms?


A dog once entered a garden and pissed on some bricks and a few weeks later white mushrooms started growing from it

So I think you should piss with one leg up on wherever you want to grow your mushrooms anon

Be sure to wash it before eating though!




I know a guy who started growing all kinds of mushrooms (psilocybin and regular), building pretty much everything himself with mason jars and tubs and shit. I think he mostly used shroomery.org as a resource. I'll ask him to post in this thread but I wouldn't hold my breath


I tried growing mushrooms. You can buy a kit from Midwestgrowkits or something like that. For the spores you can buy pretty much whatever you want online. I would suggest finding a head shop that sells spores of the magic kind there.



Nice work Shaytan


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The trick with mushrooms is understanding exactly why they like growing in the shade, away from the sun.
Fungi are people too. They don't need vitamin D constantly like plants do, but instead they need water food and shelter. They get their water from rain dripping down trees, down house rooftops, morning dew from grass, residual moisture underneath dead leaves, and water in the ground. They get their food from decaying plant and animal life, and fertile soil/woodchips/dead leaves or trees is prime growth for them. They get shelter which prevents them from losing moisture - for example, they can't grow in sand, not because of the sunlight, but because it dries out from the sunlight. Sunlight on its own doesn't kill them, but drying them out does.
They don't fruit when there's no rain or wind, which is why they grow after storms. Hence, covering them up too much actually stops them from fruiting even though the mycelium will continue to grow if there's nothing killing it. Mushrooms specifically exist to reproduce, so they don't show up unless they have a chance to reproduce - wind carries spores and water nourishes the spores. It's like how you can't get a boner unless there's some pussy or hole presenting itself to you. Unless you're a girl and then you can't really get wet unless you think something's gonna penetrate you. It's the same with shrooms.


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Hey guys I just found some of these Mushrooms growing in my backyard this morning and I decided to post here to hear your opinion.

According to my incipient research using these websites: https://www.shroomery.org/8461/Which-psilocybin-mushrooms-grow-wild-in-my-area
These seem to be Pluteus americanus.
Please tell me if my assessment is incorrect or whether or not should I consume these, how should I ingest them and what I should expect if I do. I've been looking for resources on these myself but would like to hear a second hand opinion from you.


Wtf are mushrooms actually based?


>should I consume these
Nooooo, don't ask the internet.
Go find a real shroom guy, like one that has so much expert knowledge that he can talk your ear off, for at least 2 hours. And ask him if it's ok to eat it.
It can be really hard to tell the good ones from the bad ones apart, sometimes. You really have to live and breathe that stuff. Bad ones can really fuck you up.


seconding this
mushrooms can be hard to ID


Sadly I do not know anyone like that IRL, so I guess I'll just leave the mushrooms be, don't wanna accidentally poison myself.


Do you have KOH? Those could easily be a look alike. Definitely get a spore print.



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Don't do it


mi husbando
anyone growing or picking mushrooms lately?


classic lol


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Tried my hand at my first grow recently. "Blue meanies" strain of Psilocybe Cubensis using broke boi's brown rice tek:
Spawned to bulk in small/medium monotubs of coir:
Possible slight bacterial and cobweb contams on two of the jars that I went a bit overboard trying to get rid of but it was my first time, so learning experience. First tub with not nearly enough enough coir bulk substrate netted me a little under an ounce of dried mushrooms. Growing a deeper tub now.


Visible in the pic is some of the weird mutants I got like the one shroom forming another mushroom fused to the top of the cap in reverse like something out of Akira. The bump and the little squigly bit is a cap and stalk forming which even produced it's own set of spores however I forgot to swab it and instead tried a tissue culture which seems contam'd unfortunately.


No idea but you should eat it


This gets funnier the more you know about mushrooms.


Does anyone know psychedelic shrooms that grow without cow poop?


All of them, you grow in a lot of different things

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