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Lets have a thread dedicated to the most ridiculous and most intimidating piece of headwear ever conceptualised



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Я даюсь диву, как дебилы тут обалдевают от буденовок.


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i especially love all the anti-communist bolshevik skeleton posters, makes them look badass


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they look cool


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took the freedom of editing some propaganda/movie posters


I love it, it's absolutely my favorite piece of revolutionary socialist clothing conceived so far.


the virgin Ushanka vs. the chad Budenovka


You guys are fucking cringe. Unless you’re all secretly middle-aged men with ED, which in that case my apologies and sincerest sympathies.


Stay mad leftcom


Most people forget it had the flaps on the sides to keep the soldier’s ears from getting cold


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>mad because his split of a split of a split doesn't have its own /fa/


Speak English. Or Russian. Or French. I know all three.




I have no idea what the guy I am responding to is saying.


Что не так?


What is the point in the 'spike' at the top? Why not just be flat?


The flaps are the second best part


It was designed to look like the khazar helmet


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Silly bitch I'm a leftcom and I posted this just a few replies earlier: >>12115
How about you unironically read Bordiga some time.
Leftcoms are bigger simps for the October revolution than most "MLs" today are.


I think it's cool as hell. But if I'd see someone wearing it today I'd laugh.


whats the point of the "spike" on top tho? is it supposed to make block sabers like the pickelhaube? **I`d guess no because its seems to be made out of fabric)


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It was supposedly inspired by medieval helmets lmao.
The guy who made it was also a cavalryman, so he probably thought it could bring some advantage on the battlefield or something I dunno.



>How about you unironically read Bordiga some time
I have, but most leftcoms usually haven't (ironically) and tend to say such ass mad shit


It's made of steel, covered in fabric


Am I the only one who thinking the pointy hats are kind of cute?


Well this thread exists, so no


Yes, they are.


>so no
*You're not the only one


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>1st pic
I would let her step on my while reading trot writings


Third picture; none of those men are chinlets. Coincidence? I think not!


Makes you really think


Hey atleast post the maker of this hat


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Pic 2 is Yuri Nikulin when he was in the Red Army. Pic 3 is the first scene from the famous Soviet film Officers, depicting the lives of 2 Red Army officers from the Revolution all the way to modern day (1970s).


>first pic
kek nice


>3rd pic
>charging 1 franc 50 to look at propaganda
Imagine being this shameless


File: 1631040951594.png (2.12 MB, 1280x831, red-army-t-pose.png)


What was this inspired by? In some pics looks like a medieval helmet


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Apparently that Atun Shei guy is a fan of budenovka necromancy.


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>In some pics looks like a medieval helmet
Exactly https://archive.ph/BsQ7P


They're bogatyrka caps, designed as ceremonial caps for the Tsarist military during WWI based off of folkloric warriors, with a red star pin attached to them
The Red Army probably picked them up because they were functional and snug for winters, quietly ignoring their nationalist reactionary origins


>quietly ignoring their nationalist reactionary origins
Being inspired by history or used by the prior government doesn't make them inherently nationalist or reactionary, the latter especially doesn't make sense, since they're not a REACTION to anything.


Yeah I don't think you're familiar with the ideas of the Bolsheviks LOL


>I don't think you're familiar with the ideas of the Bolsheviks
Yes I am. In fact I'm specifically very familiar with the history of the budyenovka.


We're bringing these back when the revolution comes


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File: 1669045337750.jpg (148.14 KB, 982x716, Red Army 1924.jpg)


File: 1669636079017.mp4 (5.22 MB, 720x1088, OTucw97Deh2v5JVR.mp4)

Budenovka is the whimsical communist apparel for true ne'er-do-welles



Should we bring back budenovka hats?


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Its penis on head 🍆


Yes but instead of the red star it will have "dunce" written on it.


Already trying son >>>/hobby/12105




Lol. Communist elf


I don't get how it turned out the medieval knight helmet is symbol of international workers' army, not a nationalist whites' attribute


>medieval knight helmet
<Photograph of an Ancient Greek helm
<Thinking either is related to the Budyonovka
Are you retarded or baiting?


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id rather wear a wizard hat at that point


>literal larper calling others liberals


>I put on my robe and wizard hat


and a wizard staff


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Hell yeah.


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Ok liberal


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VLC cone hat
for some reason I can't find a picture of them, so have this icon instead


calm down historical reenactment actor


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>All this Rent Free Cope
Seethe harder liberal


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medieval russian helmets a la nevsky are related to the budenkovka


Yes, they are in terms of visual design, but Slavic helmets like these were neither worn by knights, nor Ancient Greeks, and were merely an artistic reference.


I'm not the same anon who posted the greek helm, I was just trying to figure out what they meant


>Rent Free Cope
just using random memes at this point huh


is it fat-accessible?


these hats are just further proof that communists are elves


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>Anon is too retarded to understand what is being referred to

Always have been


Looks like shit lol.


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Ok lol


>wanting to look like a clown
>if you laugh you're "salty"
Sure is 9gag in here.


File: 1711383631508.png (823.75 KB, 864x1174, ClipboardImage.png)

>C-clown! I-I'm totally laughing
<saging Torpost
<obvious salt
Keep crying copelet and go back to /pol/ where you belong


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