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This thread was made to post or ask for lost leftist YouTube videos or other media.


Does anybody have the Socialism or Barabrism! video called 'It's always sunny in Catalonia'


ok so one anon is already posting a bunch of lost videos here >>>/b/19114


There was this channel called Reading Radical on YouTube
It was mostly readings/explanations of Marxism with vaporwave music in the background and an overall vaporwave visual aesthetic, but taken to the extreme. The host preseneted themself as a cheap 3D early cgi rendered duck? or some other animal with a beak, but with human arms and legs. The host also had a weird, maybe pre-pubescent male voice. There were also some lectures on formal logic.
The channel is now off YouTube and the only way I found to contact Reading Radical was on reddit. They didn't respond.
Anyone know anything? Anyone remember? These videos were really damn comfy…


Holy shit this is the perfect thread
I was watching the Law of Value series and the videos suddenly became private

Does anybody know an alternative repository of those videos???


That thread fell off the catalog. I will reupload content here from now on


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Split this one into two parts because it is too big to post on its own 1/2




Youtube keeps removing content related to any "terrorist group" they don't like.
I have saved one of those videos and also added subtitles.


Another translation of this song which was also taken down recently


Some Soc or Bar vids.



Whatever happened to Blacklikemao?


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>mfw I remember, there was a vid of Badmouse and PhilosophyTube visiting a Labor Day rally, where they interviewed some guy with a Kim Jong Un T-shirt and sang the Internationale


BlackRedGuard1 on Twitter


Also blackredguard on TikTok, and blacklikemao on Medium




I'm looking for this video that was posted here over a year or so ago where some guy shared advice on how to put up propaganda in public or whatever


Found it


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>thread gets absolutely necrobumped by some polish retard
>becomes useful again


The cycle of life.


There was that video of a drunk man shouting out a moving car window “DAVID FOSTER WALLACE” repeatedly on /lit/. I think he took it down because I can’t find it again.


Looking through some booru pics there was this old leftypol eceleb called Muke back in 2016 or so. Are his vids uploaded anywhere? I can't find them



I seem to recall Zeria had a video about Code Geass and anti-imperialism but I can't find it any more.


That's old as shit and yes it got deleted a while back, same with an old Kill la Kill vs Fascism video


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