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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Looking for video content that doesn't rot your brain. Things such as high quality Historical documentaries or quality lectures from academics.
No breadtubers.
Bonus if it can be found on youtube


I'm pretty sure that the Revolution Will Not Be Televised is on youtube



I watched some of these, they are pretty good and most of them are not very specific to the location.


Also interested in this.

PBS frontline has a lot of good videos, the one I linked is about the Iraq War through the view of the Iraqi people.

I've had mixed success with "The Great Courses" you can find a lot on Youtube and they're easy to pirate if it's not there:


This ones good, some aren't, it really depends on the lecturer they have. Generally, anything before 2005 or so will be higher quality. I find that they are the ideal in terms of engagement required, it's a step above pop-shit or random Youtubers but it's not an audiobook which really demands 100% engagement.

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