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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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I need a creative hobby but don't feel any inspiration towards anything. I have some physical activities and I like to read that's pretty much all I do. Anyone want to throw out some random ideas?


Why exactly do you "need" one?
What hobby sounds more appealing and affordable to you?


Try out different things, OP. If you like something stick with it. Here are some ideas:
>art (whatever medium)
>playing music


Also lemme suggest drawing on paper, doing pixel art, painting, painting murals, designing posters in Photoshop, sculpting (wood or clay), making music videos, playing the accordion, making desserts/pastries, repairing furniture


Literally watercolors. To paint with watercolors you'll end up thinking about how water interacts with paper, which is a relatively novel thing to model that most people aren't used to considering. Paint the world outside your front door (sunsets are fun), or make a shitty sketch of a robot or a unicorn in pencil and then color it in. Also, they're cheaper than acrylics.


Shitposting on /b/ is a creative hobby.

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