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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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>Real football
>they don't even touched the ball with their feet 99% of the time
>this is what Americans actually believe


>Ameriburger hand egg
It’s literally a more complicated version of capture the flag.




I'm sorry OP, better try this again when it's football season
When does it start anyway?


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Who here /toom and coom/?
I'm yuro soccer fag and two Buccaneers games in conference finals and superbowl, it's actually a good sport. I only wish that it didn't last as long as it does now. Also knowing that players get CTE in literally every play isn't very comforting.


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>mfw americans call "throw-n-rush-n-get-concussion" "football"


Someone please explain to me what the difference between American football and rugby is.


just watch a game of both and you'll see
if you skip ads american football will last only like an hour


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>if you skip ads american football will last only like an hour
The ads are half the entertainment though.


Better than lightly jogging down the field and acting.


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September 9th, but it's just the Bucs pummeling the Cowboys.

September 12th for everyone else.


why the fuck do your have so many games in one sunday?


>use your hands all the time


The schedule is designed so teams get a fairly equal amount of time to rest and plan for the next game.
Yes, it would make more sense to spread games out more. Saturday is usually reserved for college football.


>Someone please explain to me what the difference between American football and rugby is.
Rugby is multiple rulesets (Rugby League and Rubgy Union) but some obvious common differences are:
>no padding or helmets
>no forward passes, passing needs to go straight or backwards
>you need to actually place the ball on the ground to score
>no timeouts, just half time break


makes sense, still wack


I caught a handegg game on TV, it said it was the pre season, WTF does that mean?


same as preseason in football (soccer), just games to warm up for the regular season. Basically to figure which players are gonna make the final roster and such.






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That's the game little girls named "Kayleighee" play.


Ok Bruv, Let se you talk that qay after "kayleighee" kicks your unpadded ass in.


>I'm a lions fan
anons hold me


love these two so much


which football is the best guise?

college league or pro?

is the nfl the pro one?

and pls recommend me some streams to watch this shit online, i have nothing and don't live in the usa


are the lions losing?
are Cincinnati Bengals a football team?

yo i want to get into baseball too


anon that post is from three months ago, lions didn't even make it to playoffs. and yeah bengals are a football team, they play later today against the chiefs


i am watching a stream rn, and it's just… wow
the chat is fighting, some person is screaming they are not trans and other person is saying "not trans=ban"

sports fans are wild


that's sad the lions didn't make it, i hope the tiger bengals do

did you guys hear that peyton guy or something is retiring? or not, he says he's changing up his mind

is this the same sport with that Gronk guy?


nvm it's the other kind of football
hide your eyes folks

don't look


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The Washington Football Team, formerly known as the Redskins, has officially became the Commanders.

Jokes about the burgundy and gold "Washington Commies" ensue.


Maybe it's me but it sounds like a team name from the XFL lol


College but it's going through an era of changes.

Going to take time to figure out everything but the change is much needed.

Stupid ass shit.



NFL is like fun to watch as entertainment, but my god it's so bogged down and the refs are fukkin' terrible.

Raging at your shitty team is also its own kind of fun, lol

Probably college is, but I don't watch admittedly.

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