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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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I feel empty in life and want to gain some hobbies.

I practice climbing, I read and write but I mostly shitpost or doomscroll on the internet.

Do you know some inexpensive hobbies for a city dweller ?


How about geocaching? It's free and you can get exercise.


Mixed media art is fun, you can just have a drinks with friends and use literal trash to make bright colored crap from all this plastic shit that will rot in a third world dumping site.


Is gardening expensive?


Contrary to popular belief, photography is actually pretty cheap. If you just want to learn the craft, you can make sharp 8x10, even 11x14 prints with a smartphone camera. To take things seriously, you can get a really solid used DSLR setup with a "pro zoom" for under $500. Photography only gets expensive if 1) you're a total gearhead that pays thousands for equipment that will only be appreciated in giant wall prints, or 2) you shoot film (hip right now but crazy expensive per roll)


Playing a ball centered sport such as Soccer or Basketball is practically free outside of buying a ball and getting shoes.

>I read and write but I mostly shitpost or doomscroll on the internet.

Depending on how you shitpost and doomscroll, why not try coming up with intricate internet-based writings, for example think creepypastas but steps above. You can also try coming up with a fictional world. You don't have to write a book or anything, but you can lay multiple foundations and worldbuilding.

You can try getting into art.
Is free with apps like Gimp but if you want stuff like Adobe it's incredible easy to crack/torrent. This can even be combined with your writing or reading. Concept art for readings you like or writings you come up with
Like music? Try making some. Multiple DAWs are once again, easily torrented/cracked. You can also get VSTs/Plugins for free as well.


If 100 dollars is cheap, you could always just get a tablet and download something like GIMP or Paint.net or whatever and start drawing.

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