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Is investing in bitcoin or crypto worth it in 2021? I thought it would stagnate by now but there has been a lot of growth at the beginning of the year, if i remember correctly. I was thinking about putting a chunk of money on my wallet and letting it snowball until it grows a couple of times so that buying an apartment will be easier for me, but I can't seem to decide without asking my internet friends about it first. Based or cringe idea?


I think it's better than a savings account, but I wouldn't expect big gains anymore.


Investing in speculative commodities is always a recipe for getting screwed. The people who stand to benefit in this zero-sum game are the early investors and the already wealthy who have the power to corner the market and then dump at the proper time. You're more likely to be left holding the bag than end up coming out on top.


Crypto investing is equivalent to day trading, it's just noise


wtf is day trading exactly, is it literally about doing stocks only at day?


I would just go for it, I started last year thinking I was always too late, and doubled my savings, although the price was a lot lower last year,iam personally wary of just letting it stay there, because the price may crash, planning to pull it out next year


buying a security and selling it within the same day
as opposed to more long-term management


i hate the stock market so much
why do they have to invent their own terms

now i gotta google what security means


I invested in bitcoin since 2019 and 2.5x what I've put in. You can still make gains with it. Presumably Bitcoins price will
1) crash now and rise steadily until November 2022
2) significantly rise and then crash before steadily rising until November 2022
That's just the prognosis for now. We should be around the 100k to 200k range next November.


securities are just any kind of financial contract that you can trade. stocks/equities, futures, loans, etc
clicking around on investopedia can be useful, although they can still be pretty opaque

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