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You guys seen this yet? It looks good and the premise sounds nice, but the 'bomb throwing but untrained anarchists vs the self-righteous but purging stalinists' backdrop of the CSA seems very cliche and lame to me.

Would be more interesting and original to have an victorious CSA and its wartime leader that is trying to keep the anarchists and stalinists from descending to sectarian infighting while accommodating their visions.


Very nice, I liked it. I don't like the syndie brainrot behind Kaiserreich, but it looks interesting.


Same, it was my only complaint in all honesty. I wouldnt mind it too much if they didnt directly shit on lenin by having him be killed by a worker before the revolution really got off.


I didn't like it. Supposedly Syndicalism came about as a result of the failure of Communism in Russia and the repression that came with it against opposing factions and yet the Syndicalist government here is shown to be repeating the exact same thing.

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