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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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A thread to talk in a less judging environment and give and recieve life and mental health advice from a class conscious perspective. You can talk about whatever is on your mind, that is a big part of therapy itself.
Please be kind and polite to other anons. Trolling is pretty much off limits for /hobby/ I think and there are plenty of other threads to do so.
I think as class conscious people that can discuss the fuckery of capitalism we have a unique perspective on why a person is suffering psychologically and might have some maladaptive patterns. And through solidarity we can help heal each other.


Why do you want to blow your head out anon?


Or how do you feel about it?


lmao me too

but i want someone to do it to me and without the out part

i just want someone to blow me


bj therapy, nice


do you feel let down by other people, and like your needs are not being met?


I wasn't trying to patholagize you at all. I was asking you questions I thought were related to what you were trying to convey so that you had an opportunity to talk more about it


i think that anon is dead now


rip. idk why he deleted his posts first but good luck to him


Quitting drugs is way easier than I thought it would be, then again it's only the first two weeks


What are you quitting anon?


Oh boy time for unhinged advice that may or may not worsen your mental health.

I’ll shoot anyways. Person I liked correctly set boundaries and re-affirmed boundaries in a healthy way. I was hurt by those boundaries and realized I was toxic, in that I was mistrusting, in need of validation, was self-centered; in that I did not consider their family situation and did not believe her reason despite having zero history of lying, that I am an insanely controlling person, and very intrusive of boundaries and personal information. It’s ironic because I have a strained relationship w my father, and I always told myself that these traits were the ones that I would never repeat to others, and yet it seems in my most vulnerable, those exact traits that hurt me so much in the past were the ones I exhibited, all concentrated into this situation. A tragedy right? How the fuck can I develop new values that will counter these things?

I realize it’s too late to rectify things as they’ve already blocked me. But I also wanna rectify my feelings. Despite the “rightness” of their actions, I am feeling multiple things at once. I am hurt for them setting up boundaries, as Personal experience has lead me to believe setting boundaries was always done in a moment of hurt, and I thought I hurt the person. While I understand that(initially), I was in no way the source of hurt(until the very end), someone setting boundaries seems like abandonment. but also I feel deep regret for being inconsiderate. How do I process my emotions and also give myself new values? It seems I am wanting to develop new values to feed this fear of abandonment, and if those fears of abandonment are validated in other scenarios, I fear I may lose all of the values “developed”, and reveal my “true” self.


basically, during my most vulnerable, I fear I lose all my supposed moral values of consent, non-coercion, anti-control, etc. It’s the nice guy trope except unintentional and (I hope) not manipulative, but even then I am doubting myself about that. How do I maintain myself during my most vulnerable?


Weed, it's too expensive and when I do have it I smoke every day, I can hold off and say no to things like alcohol or psychs. Thank god I never picked up cocaine, benzos, or opiates.


Weed famously causes no physiological dependence.
>How do I process my emotions and also give myself new values?
I dont't know, by struggling?
The only emotions I know are anger and hunger (is that an emotion?).


Physioogical depndence no, psychological dependence absolutely.


do you have somewhere you like to go or music you like to listen to in order to reflect calmly/peacefully?


yeah weed can be addictive and worsen certain mental health and lifestyle problems with some people and with unhealthy use

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