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File: 1644777344454.jpg (139.69 KB, 1287x1411, tshirt.jpg)


Anyone into screen printing or making your own T-shirts? I kind of want to get into this


All my tshirts are basic and have no design or logos, which for some bizarre reason is more expensive than getting a printed tshirt.



if you've got a screen printing set-up, you should make pop art agitprop posters


this >>23033 is pretty cool too


>thw FleaMarket hasn't uploaded for months
Looks like they finaally got crushed in a trash truck :(


Could be very cool.


I did tie dye before. Not so into it for years then recently found patterns I didn't know could be done that just look way more my style.


File: 1645062919513-0.jpg (136.97 KB, 731x975, IMG_20200120_171517.jpg)

File: 1645062919513-1.jpg (164.71 KB, 688x918, IMG_20200120_171537.jpg)

I made this shirt for my trans friend as a birthday present. No I'm not joking


I like the first one a lot


Your a faggot.


Cute gift, but lordy I hope they don't wear that shit outside.


I love this and it's hilarious but the position and size of the print doesn't look that great imo. I would have to see it on a person to get a better idea of how it looks tho. I would suggest making the front pic and the back the same ratio and size tho. And drop it down slightly on the shirt




I won't be surprised if it ends up in a thrift store, although they fucking loved it when I first gave it to them.
Yeah, this was my first time doing any type of iron-on transferring so it came out shit. If I had more shirts to practice with, I would've made sure that there weren't any visible steam markings like it is here.
Only with femboys

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