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File: 1645519925054-1.jpg (77.32 KB, 630x420, the pack.jpg)


A colony for the /siberia/n people





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I can merge these all back once the dimensional merge commences


I personally believe that platos republic, given a proper and careful reading, is actually the first Communist Utopia in the history of political philosophy


what a unique and original thought




Locking the board to get the GET at the right time is cheating and you should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking about it. Now that you have actually done it, sudoku is the only way to restore your honour.


What does everyone think though? It is still a big effort no? We stopped early so we could still unlock it likw 3 hours prior and try and get it organically or something…


File: 1645523965204.jpg (146.47 KB, 566x255, jesus plato is based.jpg)

how do you deal with the whole philosopher king thing?


Philosophers and government is a contradiction. The masses are not philosophers and philosophers are the minority. The idea that a philosopher can rule the many is an ironic idea in the first place. Platos Republic is how things ought to be, but a bitter reminder that it can never be.


>i wonder why evola didn't include this in his work
That's because evola is a loser right wing bbc addict fan fiction writer


Yes, Lenin was a "philosopher king" but in platos ideal republic, an eternal and ephemeral form of good and just governance, it will never work. A polity can never be ruled like that forever, thus the "utopian" part of utopian communism.


Sorry I was too harsh.


Wanna colonize INITIATE.SPACE?


No that's okay, you are entitled to your opinion comrade. I agree it's a bit less fun maybe but we can try now and we have a chance to hit the target.


>>>/siberia/ unlocks at 21:00 UTC


10 Minutes


2 minutes till unlock

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