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>Average Sci-Fi Fan
<Average Fantasy Enjoyer
153 posts and 43 image replies omitted.

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Fantasy is dumb because it's literally always medieval Europe. Basically just infinitely rehashing:
Plagarismo di plagarismo.

Fantasy predates LotR and that's like saying all sci-fi is either rehashing Star Trek or Star Wars.

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>Fantasy predates LotR
Oh really? You know what the fuck I'm talking about(or maybe you don't because you're too autistic.)
Let me help you, because you don't understand hyperbole

MOST fantasy today is just plagiarisms on plagiarisms of LOTR.

>that's like saying all sci-fi is either rehashing Star Trek or Star Wars.

Name me like one Sci Fi with laser swords and death stars.

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I don't know about laser swords or death stars, but I know of at least one sci-fi series about the adventures of definitely-not-Han-Solo carting around a person with space magic powers.

>Name me like one Sci Fi with laser swords and death stars
Halo (energy swords and the halo arrays) and Mass Effect (omni blades and the catalyst/citadel)

LotR is just a really long Robert E. Howard story but written by a guy with a degree in medieval Scandinavian linguistics

Fantasy is the popcultural version of rehashed themes from old sagas and classical literature transformed in a digestible format. With regards to that, Tolkien was the first fantasy writer.

> The vast majority of fantasy heroes are also either ruling class / royalty
liberals consume media about the bullshit political intrigue of Nancy Pelosi and then read about the bullshit political intrigue of characters in some fantasyland, but with extra racist colonial essentialism. Honestly fuck Game of Thrones and all that bullshit, I read to get away from ruling class political drama!
>who the fuck cares?
Denny from The Room: (crying) "IT DOESN'T MATTER…it doesn't matter!!!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOJQPi9q8aE
>all reactionary thing-noticers
<reactionary thing-noticers
imagine calling other people "reactionary" when you deploy the most NPC meme imaginable: gaslighting people that what they see with their eyes isn't real and they should stop critique the precious consumer products of radlibs.
> all they had to go with is making fun of the middle class Dursleys
"you think you're so smart for noticing dictatorship of bourgeoisie leading to petite bourgeois moralism and child abuse, your Marxist historical materialism is actually idealist" Sorry child but your content is so trivially easy to critique that random liberals can do it. Please stop protecting your autism idols from "reactionary" workers lol
>who the fuck cares, literature and art isn't supposed to be beholden to your idealizations
(crying soy consumers) "IT DOESN'T MATTER, YOU'RE AN IDEALIST FOR THINKING I'M A DOMESTICATED RADLIB" Actually my artistic literature about a stacked dark elf is revolutionary praxis, fucking fascist.
>"le speshul grill" doing "le revolushun"
"fantasy isn't reactionary, but I have a knee jerk reaction to even the slightest hint of revolutionary working class movements" You proved OP's point better than I ever could. You scoff at women because you're a redditor class traitor who consumes fascist reactionary narratives.
>No shit, that's materially logical,
"It's logical to write stories about capitalists and not the working class, you're an idealist who doesn't understand Marxism" Ben Shapiro has found leftypol
>Post-modernism is a a fucking blight.
modern art isn't POLITICAL, it's a total mystery why the CIA funded those magazines

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>gaslighting people that what they see with their eyes isn't real and they should stop critique the precious consumer products of radlibs
<N-noooo you can't enjoy something that isn't ideologically aligned with me!!!
The only gaslight here is yours.
You are reactionaries, liberal reactionaries pretending to be better than other libs.
>noticing dictatorship of bourgeoisie leading to petite bourgeois moralism and child abuse
The fuck is this supposed to mean? How is this at all relevant to the argument being made?
>Sorry child
The only people using this online in an anonymous forum are barely of age teens trying to sound smarter and older than they really are.
>Please stop protecting your autism idols from "reactionary" workers
How ass-backwards is your comprehension, to come to this completely opposite understanding of the post? The point is that Harry Potter is NOT reactionary, its vaguely liberal, because it comes from a liberal author in a liberal society, it reflects the material conditions the story is placed in. It also appeals to proletarians of said societies, since they can associate with it, and this reflects it being the largest media fandom in the Western hemisphere for 2 decades.
>(crying soy consumers)
<using memes in text-format
Touch grass you actual autist.
Nah, you're an idealist for being a faggot getting mad at literature for not catering to your specific fake-communist LARP taste, because you seek to live it out in a fantasy.
>my artistic literature about a stacked dark elf
Nice projection there Baalbud
>I have a knee jerk reaction to even the slightest hint of revolutionary working class movements
<"I'm so desperate to be a contrarian that I'll back lazy liberal YA novel series, even as I seethe about HP being liberal"
The fucking IRONY
>You scoff at women
HAHAHAHAHA No. I scoff at poorly executed mary sue fics that promote ideologically nonsensical dystopia literature only appeals as "revolutionary" to the privileged teens of First World countries that think that oppression is their parents telling them not to do stupid shit for immature reasons. you are one of those teenagers, further proven by your tossing around of "marxist" like you actually read anything past the Kommunist Manifesto.
Read Капитан Сорви-голова, read Красные дьяволята or Сказка о Военной тайне, о Мальчише-Кибальчише и его твёрдом слове
Those are REAL revolutionary literary works. Some of my favorite books and films are about a female main character, because they actually are well written books, not hackjob dime-a-dozen YA crap.
>ou're a redditor class traitor who consumes fascist reactionary narratives
Nah, I'm just not a hypocritical, virtue-signaling ideologue like you.
>It's logical to write stories about capitalists and not the working class
You don't even understand the meaning of capitalist or proletariat or even basic base-structure relations, a cornerstone of Marxism… You are as ignorant as Ben Shapiro, stop projecting. Also learn grammar, you phone-posting moron.
You outright ignore the material reasoning that, in fact, yes, in a feudal setting the upper class is the ones that are going to get the best education and likely the best arms, training and resources, something that reflects actual class-based societies. That's materially logical and consistent. For fucks sake read The Prince and the Pauper, you ignoramus. Hell a lot of fantasy setting literature involves a country-nobody facing such a harsh setting head on and fighting adversity.

TL;DR: Go back to nitter you confused, projecting liberal.

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Han Solo is a roguish captain, a trope so old that it goes back centuries. Mal Reynolds is not a Han Solo.
>carting around a person with space magic powers
Telepathy, is theoretically possible. It's barely even comparable to the force.

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>liberals consume media about the bullshit political intrigue of Nancy Pelosi and then read about the bullshit political intrigue of characters in some fantasyland, but with extra racist colonial essentialism. Honestly fuck Game of Thrones and all that bullshit, I read to get away from ruling class political drama!
Take your potions sweetie!

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>telepathy is theoretically possible
Excuse me?

It's not like straight up movie shit, but a similar potential is there. Some of the studies and such go back to the early 20th century. Most of it runs on the transmission of electromagnetic fields, through bio-electricity of the body and neurons (in very basic layman terms).


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Actually one of the better forms of "black magic" is in the Mistborn series.

The two normal forms of magic, allomancy and feruchemy, both require you to be born with the ability to use them and require something out of the user, like ingesting metal or storing up your own physical attributes, and more often than not there are strong limitations on what a person can do with these forms of magic even when they're born with the ability to use them.

Then there's the black magic of the setting, hemalurgy. With hemalurgy, you can have all the powers of allomancy and feruchemy and using both at once will allow both to reach heights just one or the other could never achieve. Not only that, but anyone can potentially become a hemalurgist, you don't need to be born with it. However, hemalurgy involves driving a spike through the heart of an allomancer or feruchemist to essentially pin their soul to it, and then directly into yourself. The hemalurgic spike will then be implanted in you forever. It won't kill you (in fact, it will give you a sort of seeming immortality so long as your hemalurgic spikes aren't removed), but they will constantly ache. Oh, also it creates a wound in your soul that allows the voice of an evil god to constantly whisper in your ear and manipulate your emotions. And that IF said evil god remains trapped in his prison. If that evil god were to ever escape and you were unwise enough to have put more than one hemalurgic spike in yourself, you become that evil god's meat puppet for the rest of your potentially eternal existence.

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>Average contemporary urban setting fan

That's not telepathy, they were linked by machines.

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I liked Blindsight a lot. The author gets some things wrong about human evolution, but it still is one of the best first contact stories out there.

SF and fantasy are both fine, you're all just being a bunch of larpers yelling at people for enjoying shit you don't, shut up and stop being a tryhard

t. guy who enjoys both popcorn slop and arthouse

you know when you are a kid reading about the byzantine empire on the encarta and you get to the iconoclasts, and then you find that some religions in the past had opposed many forms of art, and you tell yourself; that's dumb, why would they do this? what's the problem with arts?

I think I'm beginning to understand

Star Wars is fantasy scifi.

Why not have both?

>two year old argument about which genre fiction is better
They both suck, and are as a rule extremely juvenile. Fantasy and Sci-Fi have only gotten worse with commodification. What was just an impotent power fantasy for nerds in the 70s is now a cultural juggernaut filling the shelves and theatres with endless liberal knockoffs of Lord of the Rings or Star Wars.

>realizes the discussion is dumb
<posts an even dumber pseud take sprinkled with leftoid buzzwords

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Like clockwork the reactionary reveals himself to defend genre fiction's honor.

Literary fiction is boring.

Actually, I think most of this thread is dedicated to if Star Wars counts as fantasy or sci-fi.

The absolute state of fantasy as a genre really is an indictment of cultural impoverishment. Fantasy in principle is the most open-ended genre possible. You can have anything from full-on fairy tale magical thinking logic all the way to diamond-hard science-based worldbuilding that's just developed differently from the real world. But even more than science fiction or other quite specific genres, fantasy is stuck beating dead horses.

NTA but that's not what reactionary means, retard. You're literally proving their point by using terms that have become buzzwords because ignorant "leftists" use them about anyone or anything they dislike. Either way, this is pure First World mentality about culture.

What dead horse do you think Brandon Sanderson is beating?

Exactly. When I read scifi at least I can imagine worlds of the possible, immerse myself in something interesting, what does literary fiction have to offer? Some meandering tale about a middle aged guy who cheats on his wife, feels bad about it, breaks up, meets a new younger girl, has some epiphany about how he's worthless and nothing in life matters anyways, breaks up, and continues on being a shitheel, no thanks, I could just listen to MGMT and save myself 8 hours.

It's not only beating dead horses, but that's certainly the dominant tendency.

Homeworld 3 seems to be a victim of le literary fiction meme.

It's gone from essentially an unfolding history to a personal drama about a lady wanting to live up to her mother figure while also having some kind of mental and emotional struggle with the baddie who's this godlike womanchild with a tragic backstop.

The first homeworld is so good. A shame it was all (mostly) downhill from there.

>a personal drama about a lady wanting to live up to her mother figure while also having some kind of mental and emotional struggle with the baddie who's this godlike womanchild with a tragic backstop.
You have no idea what literary fiction is lol

Doesn't it typically revolve around modern-day interpersonal domestic inanity?

wrong, scifi is just magic by other means since any technology not yet invented isnt science, its fiction. scifi = magic. hackers = wizards

extended universe is no longer canon anon

>No longer canon
<according to Disney
Disney-shit and their opinions aren't canon. I'll only accept Mandalorian S1 and 2 and maybe Rebels, fuck the rest of Disney SW.
Also the 'Legends' were never technically canon to begin with, since some EU material contradicted other material.

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>Noooo you can't have fun discussing two genres and having friendly arguments, that's a heckin fashizm! But me? I'm so mature!
Ok retard, you have a nice day now.

Bad prose is boring.

>my books about killing codified others orcs, aliens, and non-westerner stand-ins are not le heccin fashy
Scratch a genre fiction fan and a fascist bleeds. You can tell good stories with a sci-fi or fantasy setting, but most of the actual genre is slop.

Also I've read my fair share of genre fiction, but I'm embarassed whenever I check out that section in the bookstore because it's mostly garbage
<good books
>Ender's Game
>Stranger in a Strange Land
>Lord of the Rings
>Tekumel (plus author turned out to be an actual nazi lul)
>every horny novel with elf gangbang, I can get much better written on AO3 if I was into that.

<white saviorism

>my books about killing codified others
Critical theory was a mistake.

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>my books about killing codified others
<Black people and Asians look like orcs guyz
<…whaddya mean I'M the racist for thinking that?
Scratch a critical theorist and a liberal bleeds, and a bleeding liberal is a scratched fascist.
>genre fiction fans are le fashist!
Do you even understand what the term genre means? Embarrassments like you are the reason terms like fascist and reactionary have lost meaning, because you throw them around without actually knowing what these words actually mean or how they relate to culture.
>most of the actual genre is slop
1) genres; they are 2 different genres
2) Honey that's the rule for most writing, the majority of it is mediocre or bad. The only reason it wasn't the case in the past was because it was a lot harder to get stuff published decades and centuries back, meaning only the best works were selected.

Read The Iron Dream.

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>Read this book that misrepresents and parodies fantasy and science fiction fictionally authored by Hitler!
I already did, and its boring, overrated and poorly written like most attempts at satire.
Not an argument. This nonsense is liberalism that deliberately attempts to project fictional stories onto real life with poor parallels that speak more about the author's closeted vision of the world and others, than the stories being referred to. The very fact that it was meant to mock Conan (among other stories) demonstrates that Spinrad utterly misunderstands what those stories were about, in the same way that reactionaries misunderstand and misrepresent such stories by the same token. In other words that book id further demonstration that liberals and reactionaries are two sides of the same fascist coin.
>inb4 Spinrad and Le Guine said it was about how we should think about our ideas of heroes
Its an entirely West-centric understanding of stories and settings that relies on the fact that fascists appropriate anything they may like, regardless of a literary works actual themes. As a broader example with orcs, this has been discussed to death in the fantasy thread and LOTR thread, wherein both this conception of "orcs as blacks" or other ideas of "orcs being codified others" fails on the grounds that MAGIC and DEITIES exist and concepts of pure evil and good manifest in a literal sense. Only ideologues and idiots would attempt to apply this literally or unironically to real life people. By the same metric as propagated by Spinrad and other liberals you can just as easily make Orcs out to be Nazi allegories, doesn't make it any less idiotic.

So I'm reading dune with this "white savior" shit in mind and imagine my surprise when the atreides aren't even white.


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If you include myth in fantasy (you should) then it's the oldest genre that we have surviving examples of and arguably the richest of all literary traditions.

>sci-fi is fiction
yes, it's in the name lol
>sci-fi = magic
does not follow from above

sci-fi has fictional science, but it (and its consumer) still assumes the scientific structuring of reality ("physics" in the modern sense). it is a modern disenchanted worldview

magic on the other hand assumes there are forces beyond physics, meaning beyond mere physical manipulation, usually with a will of their own. hence there is a degree of uncertainty that is not due to lack of scientific knowledge or technological development but due to something that the agent can never fully control even in theory. this is still an enchanted view of the world

both can be done well or poorly and both attract many idiots. I have to agree with the other anon about sci-fi and midwits though. magic does not attract midwits for the same reasons anon has given.

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