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Something I've been doing recently when I'm bored is go back and watch a bunch of old ass youtube videos I used to watch as a kid. However, it's pretty difficult to find these videos unless they were really popular since youtube is so utterly saturated with content and trying to search for them just results in a bunch of generic front-page garbage. So if you have any links to classic youtube videos from 2005-2012, go ahead and post 'em


Can't get any more classic than this










>youtube is so utterly saturated with content and trying to search for them just results in a bunch of generic front-page garbage
There's a trick to get results from before a certain date. It's like "before:mm-dd-yyyy" or something like that I'm not sure


File: 1673397896464.jpg (37.83 KB, 480x270, tang.jpg)

Youtube has actively fucked up their search feature to the point that you might be better off using a separate search engine. Now they will show you a couple actual search results, followed be "people also watched" pushing popular and half-related shit at you and "for you" which is just unrelated algorithmic recommendations.


File: 1673403689388.png (103.51 KB, 698x950, ClipboardImage.png)

>doesn't use Unhook Youtube on desktop browser and NewPipe on mobile
uygha what are you doing?

But I agree, it's one of the most frustrating things that's happening to the web, not just YT. Infinite scroll, """suggestions""", unwanted recommendations, irrelevant search results that you can't remove by default, they're all capitalist cancer. But tell people that capitalism is the cause of all this and they'll scoff at you, call you a delusional commie and then continue to complain about the obvious effects of crapitalism without realizing. Or point out that we're being deliberately pushed to digital addiction by capitalists, and they'll just blame "people" for being addicted to their phones that were specifically designed to be addictive.
Another crime that YouTube has committed lately is removing the ability to see a channel's videos by chronological order, that is, from oldest to newest. They only give you the options "Recently uploaded" and "Popular". I seem to recall them claiming that this is because of server issues (which is worrying since that'd mean they'd want to start deleting old videos at some point without people noticing) but whether they delete old videos or not, it's clear that their main goal is forcing people to consume new stuff and maximize views.


>>32001 (me)
>>doesn't use Unhook Youtube on desktop browser and NewPipe on mobile
oh and btw you can use an Invidious instance if you're willing to stop using the YouTube site altogether. But I don't know how good or bad their search function is.


Been like that for at least a year or two. Ironically I use google video search.


It also seems to be doing its best to avoid finding some videos, the other day I was searching something by exact name in quotes and everything and it just refused to find it, using the same query it was the first result on DuckDuckGo which is not exactly known for it's good search results…


Google also sucks balls more and more. I sometimes use bing, yandex, or DDG.


It also doesn't help that pop-youtubers know this and game the algorithm. Sometimes a video will be the 4th or 5th one below reaction videos of the original.

also everything is a fucking rap video, search any random word and there's a 90% chance it's a fucking rapper as top result

In general google, not just youtube, has gotten REALLY hard to use for literally anything. All topics will return a bot-generated listicle, rambling blog post, or some tangentially related current event by CNN or Fox article for the first few links. The more specific or niche you get, the worse it gets.


internet really peaked 15 years ago didn't it






Sometimes I go on this website hoping it's up again http://www.pown.it/


LOL'ing at these videos on my work computer in my Great Recession-era suburban office building


i actually tried to find this the other year and found a bunch of newer shit, just like OP said, so thanks


feature not bug. you will CONSOOM only the latest and most state/corporate slop



probably not a "youtube video" per se, but its one of the earliest things I remember watching on it


>HoN Raps - Haters Gonna Hate





>Classic YouTube
>Post Viacom and Start of Google integrated YouTube
>Google/YouTube Rise of Vlog + more Reality centralized video content
>Google+YouTube = Gaming, Vloging, Rise in Political Videos and Autism
>Google/YouTube Corporate Take Over, Taking the You Out of YouTube
>Google/YouTube - Just another MainStream TV Network With Mass Censorship






Wow. That was extremely epic. Thank you so much for posting. Now I can die happy 😊



Don't forget the Lurd of Teh Reings.













>2005-2013 era
I almost want to go back…almost.


File: 1681445017327.mp4 (14.76 MB, 720x480, Hate Amerikkka.mp4)








What's so funny about this



Oh hell nah I ain't watching that shit



Most of my sense of humor comes from DurhamrockerZ and CS188 YTPs


Vlogs were everywhere on early YouTube lol
They've pretty much been the bread and butter of the site from the start


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