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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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File: 1649928001785.jpg (Spoiler Image, 130.48 KB, 954x1058, 1647859440780.jpg)


This is a thread for pictures and videos of Ukrainians, their soldiers, civilians, territorial defense, volunteers, punishing people in the street by tying them to a pole, and then stripping them, beating them, and so on. The goal is to collect as many as we can and then make a montage video at the end that can be shared across social media, YouTube, rumble, liveleak, and such places. The Western media has not even mentioned these crimes, we need to get it into people's consciousness.

Remember, you can post up to 5 attachments (iirc), and let's keep on topic please. :)


File: 1649931026404-0.mp4 (1.43 MB, 464x848, 1648099168760.mp4)

File: 1649931026404-1.mp4 (5.54 MB, 720x1280, 1647819958704-2.mp4)

File: 1649931026404-2.mp4 (345.86 KB, 458x640, 1647819651646-1.mp4)

File: 1649931026404-3.mp4 (4.63 MB, 576x1280, 1647819651646-0.mp4)



Yes, making videos is a hobby. This website is called leftypol, it is a leftist website, not a general purpose website. It should be here cause leftypol is too fast, and the thread will be derailed by offtopic discussion. This is just a dump.


File: 1649931070151-0.mp4 (2.14 MB, 464x848, 1647818848079-3.mp4)

File: 1649931070151-1.mp4 (2.6 MB, 688x1280, 1647818848079-1.mp4)

File: 1649931070151-2.mp4 (3.07 MB, 636x848, 1647818848079-0.mp4)

File: 1649931070151-3.mp4 (5.73 MB, 720x1280, 1647818562743-3.mp4)

File: 1649931070151-4.mp4 (1.66 MB, 478x848, 1647818562743-2.mp4)



no it won’t
it would be one of the most bumped threads on the board


Unique IPs: 4

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