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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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It’s because he accurately portrays how destructive and emotionally immature most protagonists in media actually are. Something only evangelion did right with their portrayal not just of Shinji but the other characters as a whole whose traits wether overconfidence, ambition placed over community or just plane stupidity destroyed the lives and communities surrounding them and the way he devolves into an absolute fucking monster that’s abusing his status in the world he’s in is so painful it’s good and let’s me remember why avoid watching not just superhero shows but most new media in general because the protagonists are always like this but without actual consequences

does that episode with the old man count as anime tho?

Ugh who cares
Anime in Japanese literally translates to animation anyways. Assigning a label and forcing it to fit into some contrived definition of what “anime” is is fucking awful for the state of anime in general and makes things dull

i read this in anthony starr's voice
the dope thing about that episode was they used comic accurate bill and hughie and they got simon pegg to finally voice him who plays the dad in the show but the comic hughie was modeled after him

and kieran culkin from suck session plays the drug fiend, and also the spectacle of seeing two supes die
also i guess how homelander and mae distract the fans who just viewed the entire thing, portrays the news media and politicians who pull wool over our eyes and showcase a narrative of good vs evil, in the wars they start for power and profit.

dragon ball is smarter because goku putting people in danger through his selfishness and naivety is fully acknowledged & criticized but he is still portrayed as cool and likable in spite of it all

The difference is he actually does do enough to take down foreign threats meaning to an extent some actions are justified but when they aren’t it is called out

Except for the relationship with his son lmao that’s always been terrible

yeah but his son has always been a little weiner so it's understandable

my point is more that "calling out tropes" characters & stories are lame to me

>Anime in Japanese literally translates to animation anyways. Assigning a label and forcing it to fit into some contrived definition of what “anime” is is fucking awful for the state of anime in general and makes things dull

Also there's literally The Boys thread on /hobby/ dumbo.

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