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/hobby/ - Hobby

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The incredibles and the boys fucking proved how much of a menace to society superheroes would be if they were part of public security and the way the boys showcased the constant infighting between these overglorified children with special gifts fucking verifies the idea that just offing them all would do more to put them(and everyone else that has to die from collateral damage or blatant abuse of power) out of their misery


>fictional story
>proving anything


you know we don't actually have superheros right, OP

you can just see cops abusing irl and get that proven right,


I wouldn’t say cops I would say cops and soldiers from NATO are the best replacements for superheroes

I mean think about it. Your average deployed soldier or cop is likely poorly trained and given more power to them than they can reasonably handle compared to say high ranking officers, swat team members and generals that actually can control themselves and are generally better respected. What you get are a bunch of homelanders everywhere hell there was even a college experiment testing how giving students access to power without proper handling of it would change how they approach people


>there was even a college experiment testing how giving students access to power without proper handling of it would change how they approach people

Is that Stanford Experiment?


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