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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Oh boy the state of literature is so good right now can’t wait to read

>teenager drama or sixteen year old that saves the world book number 9018291727291618

>high school shit as if high school isn’t as boring as every other period in school
>Fantasy book where all the fantasy elements are ripped off Tolkien
>non fictional book either laced with obvious imperial propaganda or information badly explained
>STEM related handbook whose information is outdated and probably lied about anyways considering how researchers are overworked and publishers for their articles only give a shit about whoever pays for them to study the niche shit that barely changes anything until years after discovery
>sci fi garbage that pays little respect to actual science or even the plausibility of the elements in it
>fictional bibliography of the most boring and bland faggot imaginable

Such an impressive state contemporary literature is in

>Book where young people are having lots of SEX
>the literary phenomenon of the 20s

>reading anything published after 1900
Well there's your problem

Every postmodern book is so fucking bad

> 300 page of fluff in a book that otherwise could have been a blogpost

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I don't read anything written after 2000 BC, personally

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This guy reads lmao

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>Book that FINALLY updates socialism for the 21st century!
>It's some shit Marx debunked 2 centuries ago

Well you can read my book once I've finished, it fits into none of those categories.

Lets not forget about soul-searching novels with upper class middle aged Protagonists.

Or those humorous "self help" pop psych books

More like 25-40.

What's it about?

books are an outmoded format unless you really benefit from physicality (i.e. screens hurt your eyes, you're too ADHD to read on a computer without going on youtube but not ADHD enough that you need to read on a computer so you can tab between it and 50 other things at once, you like to take notes) tbh.

there's a book to be written (see what i did there, aha!) about how we continue to worship the book format long after it was rendered half redundant for storytelling and completely redundant for simply conveying facts or technical information. you're thinking "ah, but what about a good history book?" well my friend, a good history book is always at least half storytelling…

4/lit/ is leaking here wtf

Extremely gay and retarded take

nice opinion fagotron

4/lit/ started leftypol.

why don't you go write a book about it loser

Extremely gay and retarded samefag

if i was going to samefriend i'd leave my tripflag on, that would get me far more attention and be much funnier.

extremely gay and retarted post

new houllebecq dropping in english any day now

Hard Sci-Fi biopunk doomerpunk action romance revolutionary communist dialectical materialist angsty hopeful character study with smut characteristics (optional).

Literature is held in such high regard. Am I retarded for reading comics instead of books? I still gladly read more technical literature (philosophy/science/documentation) but I was just never that much interested in plain-text literature. I dunno, maybe my imagination can't kick in while I'm reading. What do you think? I'm probably viewed as intellectually inferior according to the current education system. But why does one have to read literature to be intellectually superior? Have any of those mfs read anything from the Marxian economics? I do not understand.

Literature is the better medium for certain styles of narrative, for example first person POV where being inside the character's mind is the whole appeal. Maybe you don't particularly care for this style of storytelling or haven't found the right book for you

sounds like a disability tbh

I'm not sure why the first-person POV can't be replicated in other mediums. Half-Life already did this, albeit with a silent protagonist. I'd say that immersive sims and RPG games are pretty close narrative-wise. And you can certainly make the same effect in comics and movies, though this is actually very rare here. The main advantage I see that the literature has is easier branching pathways (video games have a problem with giving you the illusion of choice because of budget and time constraints, although there are exceptions such as Stanley Parable). Interactive fiction is honestly the only format of written fiction I genuinely love to the point of actually yearning to read it.

I'm not sure why the first-person POV can't be replicated in other mediums. Half-Life already did this, albeit with a silent protagonist. I'd say that immersive sims and RPG games are pretty close narrative-wise. And you can certainly make the same effect in comics and movies, though this is actually very rare here. The main advantage I see that the literature has is easier branching pathways (video games have a problem with giving you the illusion of choice because of budget and time constraints, although there are exceptions such as Stanley Parable). Interactive fiction is honestly the only format of written fiction I genuinely love to the point of actually yearning to read it.

Books have the beat first person pov, because depending how well it’s written, books can play with our understanding of the main character and do the whole “untrustworthy narrator” thing much more easily then visual arts, because books depend a lot on the readers imagination.

The state of department store bought literature*
Just read indie stuff, donate the good stuff to the local library.
>It's le heckin (((post-modernism)))

I assumed we were at the boint where "book" included comics. Like some books are a hybrid of comics and plain text (usually information books tho, don't see it much in fiction)

The internet has destroyed my attention span, I can't be bothered to finish books anymore.

I can’t read modern fiction anymore.
People recommend me stuff but it feels like plots that I’ve already seen before or the characters are too bland for me to care.

I dunno, I like David Foster Wallace.

I like standalone books because I like standalone books. I don't really have any good reason why I like standalone books, but I find it way easier to read books that way than with an e-reader.

Everything should just be high-refresh rate e-ink anyway. And history books are worthy of reading because they convey valuable info. Twice as much if it was written from a Marxist perspective.
Not sure how reading standalone books is "easier." The difficulty is kinda the same imho.
I can read a book if it's some technical/philosophical/historical/scientific stuff as I said. But there's so much anime, games and comics that I don't even have time or incentive to read fiction. Although such genres as hard sci-fi seem to be pretty rare in visual arts so that might be a reason to read literature.

The only good fiction today are Warhammer novels ololol.

Are they still shitty beach reads? Yes, but fuck it they're actually fun.

Maybe a unique setting is also something I'm interested in besides hard sci-fi and interactive fiction now that I think of it.

> David Foster Wallace
I hate this guy.
All his stupid footnotes in that tome of a book just to for a meta-commentary on scholarly information overload. Massive fucking troll.

>t. went on a cruise, didn't enjoy it but had to pretend

Try Piranesi by Susanna Clarke or The City & the City by China Mieville

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