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Thoughts on Avatar? It's probably the most explicitly anti American movie of the decade and has strong anti imperial and anti capitalist themes.

Will it change anything?
192 posts and 44 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Most viewers struggle to remember character names from movies like Star Wars too.
Anon, ask anyone the names of the main characters of Star Wars and everyone will be able to name Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Luke, Anakin, Princess Leia, Chewbacc, Jabba the Hutt, Boba Fett and Han Solo at minimum, even though some of them have very little screentime relative to the films. Even in the Disney-Star Wars films, Rey and Finn are memorable, (for being such terrible characters, but still remembered).
Avatar has neither. Quaritch, Sully and Neytiri are remembered but literally any of the other character's names are a blur to me. Even Sigourney's character even though I love Weavers' performances, is forgettable. Quaritch was the only really interesting character outside the main protagonist and Neytiri was the waifu, otherwise the corporate rep behind the operation is just a vague porky, the conscientious objectors that side with Sully are forgettable, the chieftian and other Nav'i are forgettable etc. They're not bad characters just bland and flat; NPCs for the story.


>They're not bad characters just bland and flat; NPCs for the story.
I stand by chapo take that they are the everyman who the audience can fill in as, and their lack of memorability is an important point


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I don't watch Chapotrashhouse so I don't know what they said. A good character should be relatable, but shouldn't be a bland self-insert, it's like every lazy isekai with their ОЯШ characters. People don't need to be blank slates for us to relate to them and such characters lend themselves to either being forgettable fodder or bland Mary Sues rather than actual individuals.


Cameron said about the first movie that the characters and story were broad and archetypal on purpose because he wanted it to be easier to relate to, given the scifi/fantasy elements.


arcee makes me cum


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It being intentional doesn't make it better, and frankly feels lazy, especially considering his prior films and characters being more distinct.


We get it Jack, you ride your motorcycle GF, what would she say about bragging?


>It being intentional doesn't make it better
Clearly it worked though. Avatar got more of an audience than the Terminators.


Because it was made in a time of social-media, the Terminator franchise has a much larger fandom and is iconic - the characters are memorable and instantly recognizable. Avatar is not, people all but forgot about it until the sequel came out.


Terminator has no themes except "robot bad", Avatar is about anti-colonial people's war. They are not the same




>Because it was made in a time of social-media
The first movie came out in 2009 lol. Social media was not a thing then like it is now.


>Terminator has no themes except "robot bad"
I like avatar and all but don't be retarded. That doesn't even apply to the shitty sequels.


ur rite


>Terminator has no themes except "robot bad"
LMAO you can't defend Terminator being far more iconic and popular and remembered, so you resort to CinemaSins-tier oversimplifications. And I'm not watching your Chaposhit, it's no different to RLM except with a "leftist" angle.
Terminator alone has many themes, the sequel multiplies this even further. Even the shittiest sequel (5 and 6) have themes even if they're retreads of the original 2. And the Sarah Connor Chronicles takes it to another level.

Putting that aside, the music in Terminator is iconic to the point that it's a meme in itself, as are phrases from the film "I'll be back" becoming something Arnie used in almost every movie he was in after.

Facebook, 4chan, reddit etc. all existed at the time. At the time of release of Terminator's release the internet was beyond primitive and movies relied on posters, pre-screening promos and trailers aired on the limited channels to get heard of, and the less money you had, the less heard you would be, with a movie's good or bad aspects traveling word-by-mouth literally and through critic articles in the news. Moreover Cameron was a no-name director at the time. In 2009 Cameron and his films were household names and the hype of a 3D film of this scale was huge and was advertised massively.


just me or arnold kinda looks like a woman in that pic? (in a good way


Skynet was explicitly a Cold War weapon and followed that logic to a T, Terminator is also much more about the nature of human resilience, the power of love such that it’s unbound by time itself, and ultimately what it means to be human. The Terminators themselves, which don’t actually act like machines, aren’t meant to be simply a reflection of how tech might turn out, the films have very heavy and very blatant religious metaphors (“Judgement Day”, “John Connor, J.C.” a child born of impossible circumstances meant to save the world, etc.)

You just have the most surface level read like most internet addled zoomer fucktards


It's a Rule-63 edit, so yes.



>You just have the most surface level read like most internet addled zoomer fucktards
its called a shitpost i made between wage slaving u internetoid f*ck CALM DOWN SIS


>I was just pretending to be retarded, it’s not fair to therefore treat me like a retard!


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I've seen people try to criticize the Avatar movies for supposedly engaging in the "noble savage" trope, but the Na'vi both aren't supposed to be any real world indigenous group, but a race of aliens from a different solar system, and are really so far removed from humanity they come across more as sci-fi Wood Elves* (or your local equivalent) from a fantasy setting. One can argue that elves are semi-divine beings in many depictions, because their concept comes from the myths of nature spirits, not aliens that evolved into being, however the Na'vi are the servants and favored children of a physical god. They're sentient beings and have clans, warrior-hunters etc. so they're not alien anprim hippies from a romanticized concept of Native American harmony n' peace.
Their home planet is explicitly different from Earth, whereas life on Earth is connected through our relationships to each other, life on Pandora is connected in this fashion but also by the biological ability to connect their nervous systems, and thus their thoughts and emotions directly. The culture of the Na'vi isn’t only similar to contemporary indigenous cultures, it is similar to how ALL human societies started out, even the one of you Europeans, before your people rejected the notion that life had value and nature is more than a tool to exploit. The Na'vi can’t lose their connection to their world the way humans did because of their ability to directly interface with it using those fiber-optic tails of theirs.

The film(s) borrow aesthetics from various indigenous groups, but they aren't a direct representation of any of them. Not even an idealized one. The closest is the teal water Na'vi adhering to the whole native Hawaiian "Aloha" pacifism thing, but that's where it ends. There was a deleted scene from the first movie that's obviously an alien version of an Ayahuasca trip.**

What's more, the whole "noble savage" thing usually promotes the idea that the main thing distinguishing the "noble savages" is their lifestyle and culture. If you or I were kidnapped as a child and raised in a noble savage tribe, we would be come like them with their manly virtues or closeness and respect for nature or whatever good qualities is being attributed to them that civilization supposedly lacks because of decadence, luxury, artifice, pollution and whatnot.***

The primary thing making the Na'vi the way they are is their biology. It doesn't matter how in-tune with nature a human is, they will never commune with Eywa, they will never bond with or ride any of Pandora's animals, and so on. This isn't the difference between "civilized man" and the "noble savage", this is human adventurers blundering into the sacred, enchanted forest of the elves, if said sacred, enchanted forest was the size of a planet.

Cameron has said that after Avatar came out he was contacted by leaders of various indigenous groups who felt the movie spoke to their struggles with neocolonialism, and he took that into consideration with the writing for the sequels. He also seems to think that the noble savage criticism of Avatar 1 at least has some merit because the third movie is supposed to include a group of navi who are assholes. 2 already moves away from that kind of characterization though because the plot involves the water tribe being somewhat blind to the effects the humans are having on the ocean and having taboos/superstitions that cause unnecessary conflict.

*Apparently the elves/na'vi idea is not new at all


***It's worth noting that the origin of this as a meme is the fact that it happened many times, with already grown adult settlers "going native" because they liked the indigenous society more. Also worth noting is that while there were lots of people who left European settler society for the indigenous peoples there were relatively very few who went the other way, including people who grew up in European cultures originally. This probably has less to do with the "nobility" of these indigenous cultures and more to do with the problems of European civilization and in particular the difficulty the settlers had in adapting to unfamiliar lands.


>2 already moves away from that kind of characterization though because the plot involves the water tribe being somewhat blind to the effects the humans are having on the ocean and having taboos/superstitions that cause unnecessary conflict.
Yeah it's kind of weird that 2 has been criticized for the water tribe being kind of silly and irrational with their beliefs, but that's just how ideology works. It's less obvious but the forest tribe has a similar problem at first with not being equipped to respond to the human invaders until the seriousness of the threat is made clearer. And of course one of the main points of the series is how irrational the humans' political economy is.

On the one hand people complain about noble savage tropes and on the other they start doing the Cinema Sins treatment whenever they start noticing the nuance.


Interesting thing that I noticed as an aside is that the Water Tribe is clearly Maori inspired, while the Jungle tribe has clear Amazon tribe inspirations


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I think people forget that Disney has partial rights to James Cameron's Avatar.

It's apparently an actually fun ride BTW… at least going by photos, it's quite possible this is just PR.


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Found an old SomethingAwful article on Avatar, thought it was funny if a bit on the nose.


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So how long until Avatar 3 comes out? A few years, a decade? a decade and a few years?


fuck these proto-kiwifarms dweebs, sure avatar is mass market popcorn but at least it criticises jingoism and exploitation which is more than their shithole has ever achieved


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Relax and stop taking spoof reviews so seriously you autist.



2 what? Days, Weeks, Months, Years… Decades?


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I think it's more than just a reddit problem but a Burger problem in general. A lot of non-burger countries often have children sleep with parents until they're older, its both a part of parent-child bonding and also a material necessity in some societies that arose in cold or dangerous environmental conditions like in Russia or China… hell even Europe had such communal beds for a while. Modern obsession with sexuality now makes brothers sharing a bed together "gay" or kids sleeping with parents "pedo" or some shit like that. I blame (among others) Freud and his obsession with penises, tainting Western mentality into making everything about sex.



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You little shit, lol


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>I think it's more than just a reddit problem but a Burger problem in general.
True. There is even apparently an epidemic scale problem of burgers not knowing how (or refusing) to wash/wipe their own ass, almost as if parents are so uncomfortable with bodies that they neglect to teach their own children basic hygiene.

>I blame (among others) Freud and his obsession with penises, tainting Western mentality into making everything about sex.

It goes back further than that. Medieval Europeans were actively censoring classical era artworks by covering or destroying their genitals. The Vatican really pushed this with its "fig leaf campaign" but it was widespread outside of that too.


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>almost as if parents are so uncomfortable with bodies that they neglect to teach their own children basic hygiene.
That's part of why circumcision is so common in the USA - it's easier to keep clean and those that aren't circumcised never get taught to, y'know, wash under the skin. I know a guy who never knew you were supposed to wash under there, which is why he got circumcised later on, because of how much that shit bothered him as a kid.
>Medieval Europeans were actively censoring classical era artworks by covering or destroying their genitals.
True, but to be fair that was more part of the superstructure part of the culture, ordinary peasants and so on really didn't care as much… it's also called the dark-ages for a reason, even if modern Western historiography does its best revisionist effort to deny said dark-age.


New research method on plant-to-plant communication makes the leaves glow. Shit literally looks like Avatar plants.


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>New research method on plant-to-plant communication makes the leaves glow.
This post me think of pic rel, LMAO

Also post links and titles, Embed is trash on leftypol;
Mindblowing Video of Plants Talking to Each Other In Real Time



>TFW you're in a movie that is so CGI'd that you forgot you're in it
LMAO, even Orson Welles wasn't this dismissive of his role as Unicron in the Transformers Movie


Imagine being so dumb you think America, a traditionally anti imperialist state which overthrew its imperialist rulers and became the world's biggest supporter of liberalism and biggest defense against Imperialism, is somehow imperialist. Read a book sometime dude.


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one for the ages


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Fucking Witnessed, KEK


Ok retard


Don't know, but it's gonna be great when it comes out, 1 and 2 were fantastic anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist storytelling in a sci fi setting.


shitty bait, the US is imperialism itself.


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It got delayed from December 2024 to December 2025.


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Anyone watch This Ain't Avatar? It's a pretty damn funny porn parody, I laughed my ass off at the cliche plot driven literal fuckery.


why tf this have a wikipedia page?



Funny article I read comparing the initial storyline of Boruto with this movie. Made me laugh but it's kinda accurate.



The original Avatar MoCap is pretty damn intriguing. I think I like the design a bit more, in the sense that the narrower faces and less hyper-realism was interesting.

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