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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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ITT we learn each other to build house.

Discuss woodworking, framing, fastening, tools, share pdf's and resources so we can all build a home from scratch with comrades when capitalism collapses.

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Gonna build wooden commie blocks?
>so we can all build a home from scratch with comrades when capitalism collapses
What a weird way to start a thread, go find a prepper circlejerk elsewhere

>Gonna build wooden commie blocks?
Literally would.
Also use local materials for texture, like rammed earth.

time to post about mass timber again

Thanks masstimber anon. Ever since I watched ur video on it, Im noticing it crop up everywhere. There are a few apartment buildings in my city being built with it and they are typically on the market much faster

what is this? making buildings out of large monolithic wooden pieces? is it like the similar thing with metal poles etc? like a pole barn?

disclaimer: I have no idea if this vid is any good

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