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Not sure which board is the most appropriate here, but I wrote an article (with a little Marxist theory) about the recent edits to the Roald Dahl books.

Basically my take is that the edits are bad but not because they tamper with a sacred text but because the property is owned by one company, and that the more edits the merrier.

Would appreciate any feedback, comrades!


very good

It's fucking children's picture books
I see people unironically comparing it to renaissance sculptures being defaced

Yeah I am getting sick of the corporate blandification of language and all of culture being controlled by a handful of money-grubbing corporations.

Thoses edits sounds completely fucking stupid.
If the books aren't fit to today standards then don't republish them or just let someone write something with similar themes but more accomoding to the Zeitgeist, it's not like there is a lot of misgivings in doing remakes nowadays.

Belittling media for children is a trojan horse for all kinds of bullshit. A good example of this being implemented recently is the War on Drugs propaganda being inserted into kids' shows and doing a lot to shape attitudes about drugs and drug use.

All "media for children" is inherently harmful authoritarian propaganda

posthumously changing a writer's writing is really ooky.

>There’s a certain whiff here of not just social justice, but corporate-induced blandness, the type that took the word philosopher out of the original Harry Potter US edition, because publishers were worried kids wouldn’t understand it.
stupid Americans don't know the hermetic goals of alchemy huehuehue

*blocks your path*

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