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The origins of trade were never rooted in politics, especially contemporary politics it was just a phenomenon that emerged from the distribution of tokens and capital where some figures wanted to hoard capital for the sake of it. the work of Garth ennis work kind of shows, at least to me that contemporary corporations and companies are still basically the same and will brainlessly serve whatever thing gives them more money and likewise don’t care that much about their customers or their perspectives to any extent that doesn’t immediately benefit profits. I guess the supers just represent how those companies treat those loyal to them, essentially disposable and meant to be hauled around until they run out of their usefulness to their companies, similar to how defence and healthcare companies do little to help veterans in NATO member states or how frequently reactionary groups turn out to blindly support corporations to their own destruction since ww1 to today


File: 1684172720638.png (2.1 MB, 1920x1080, video essay.png)

Why don't you make a video essay about it?


Writing things out to me is much better than telling people my thoughts


My "MAGA libertarian" boss love this show for some reason, he seems to believe it's one of the few shows out there that's "not woke or political". Media literacy is dead in America


There are people out there who didn’t see Homelander as a villain until season 3, that makes sense


It’s worse knowing it’s likely that same demographic never read the original comics. I did and he’s considerably less shitty there than in the show, in the comics he’s just a rapist with an ego but doesn’t do fucking anything up until the comics about to end because he’s not enough of a lunatic to carry out anything evil on a general basis. Like actual abusers. In the show he’s satirically evil and the writers have to keep bullshitting excuses to make him seem even slightly realistic even though any of his real world fans just self insert as him anyways and couldn’t care less about his character. At least in that cartoonish evilness the show writers did use his character creatively to represent that despite how much damage he could cause he’s still disposable like every other supe something you wouldn’t see a lot of in the comics


It was weird because the supers are so cajoled in society without much explanation until its half heartedly dropped to advance the plot. But one figures the superpowered obsoleting the police and the military would not be a development that stays aside form the state. The show however does exactly that. The supers are entirely a private thing that the government is mostly uninvolved in except as customers.

The state would be all over that because it is among other things, a huge tthreat, and there is no way the secret of supers would remain a monopoly of the USA even from it's inception. Which itself seem like another contrivance. Not to speak of the portrayal of glowies like just higher ranking cops.

This would all be fine to handwave if it was a superhero kind of story, not one deconstructing the trope.

It feels like the show is so bent on individualism that world-building had to be thrown out of the window to preserve the plot making sense. The plot has to advance but when it does, since barely anything that happens is explained, put into context or developed beyond the basics, it feels arbitrary when events are picked and chosen to actually move the plot forwards and robs the characters of agency.

Which is just as well because the thing is so stretched out you'd think it would take 1 or two seasons to develop them, not 3 watered down seasons that end in a cliffhanger.


>supers are so cajoled in society without much explanation
beside the massive marketing and the consumerism built around them you mean ?

>half heartedly dropped

but its not ?

>But one figures the superpowered obsoleting the police and the military

not what happens, overpaying private companies for a shitty job and good pr is not making anything "obsolete"

>The state would be all over that because it is among other things, a huge tthreat

and indeed, we see the security apparatus hating it and sabotaging it, and the politicians rolling with it coz money and marketing.

>portrayal of glowies like just higher ranking cops

yeah they should have used fbi rather than cia, which actually are higher ranking cops


He didn’t read the comics. Like half this garbage doesn’t happen since Garth Ennis speant a lot of time documenting how exactly supes could form and why their would be so many in NA


My favorite is the idpol. They've got the silent north Korean refugee feral woman, the lumpen negro black panther millitary veteran, the lumpen fbi agent, and the woke crakkker in the middle lol


she was supposed to be from nk?


Having nonwhite people in the cast is not idpol
Please fuck off




Video essays are usually written first


Actually it basically is


reading things is much better than watching some guy mumble for hours too

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