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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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which side of space Zionism is right?
>The Ur-Quan Doctrinal Conflict or Doctrinal War is the conflict between the Ur-Quan Kzer-Za and Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah to prove which Doctrine (the Kzer-Za Path of Now and Forever or the Kohr-Ah Eternal Doctrine) is superior.
>The Path of Now and Forever is the guiding philosophy of the culture of the Ur-Quan Kzer-Za. In short, it dictates that all other forms of sentient life have the potential to one day enslave the Ur-Quan as the Dnyarri did. To solve this problem, the Path of Now and Forever calls for all sentient life to be either imprisoned within a slave shield as a Fallow Slave, or to serve the Ur-Quan as a Battle Thrall.
>The Eternal Doctrine is how most species refer to the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah's alternative philosophy to the Ur-Quan Kzer-Za's Path of Now and Forever. It stipulates that to eliminate any future threat to Ur-Quan freedom all non-Ur-Quan sentient species are to be exterminated. While the Kzer-Za, the Melnorme, and most Human sources use the term "Eternal Doctrine", the Kohr-Ah themselves never use this phrase to describe their philosophy, instead calling it the "Path of Now and Forever".
yes both sub-species refer to their ideology as The Path of Now and Forever
also pic related is fresh OC just for /hobby/


and for context



I mean the slavery side is better obviously

this game is dank if you haven't played it


>letting other races stick around is totally not a risk don't worry about it
toad hands wrote this post


this ur quan don't know about symbiotic evolution


we should establish a multispecies union


allianceism has failed every time it has been tried. you have to be pragmatic and let the ur-quan recruit humanity as battle thralls. it's not a perfect system but it's the best of all systems that have been tried so far


File: 1688023894624.png (32.09 KB, 1944x856, orz-angry.png)

There is no need to be such a *silly cow*. We can all go *camping* into *happy town* together. Best *campers* are the *happy campers*. Orz are not *many bubbles*, Orz is "one with many *fingers*." Do you want to *squirt*? If you want to, then you do. It is best, I know it.

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