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File: 1688310952237.jpg (792.96 KB, 2160x2880, blackmirror.jpg)


Only the first episode is sci-fi, with a dumb twist, relying on cameos to get people interested. The other five aren't even sci-fi or science fantasy, just pure fantasy. Second episode isn't about anything supernatural, old couple that used to film themselves killing people in a mask, with the antagonist just killing herself at the end.

These feel like film school amateur shorts. Season 6 has no redeeming aspects and I am surprised it was released like this. All the episodes are written by Charlie Brooker, so either he phoned it in, or allowed the directors to do whatever and change it, because he is a pushover.


only the first episode of black mirror was good
the rest operates on logic about as nonsensical as fairy tales


File: 1688314673287.jpg (131.59 KB, 1045x588, awful.jpg)

First episode had an interesting premise, they just didn't know what to do with it. The it's all in your head trope is tired. The end is nonsensical. Apparently the AI writes what the real person is doing, and then recreates it as a show, then several levels like that. It's all the same show with slight variations (ha ha, I get it) but why do the AIs have to watch TV then? And why did the AI-protag had to destroy the mainframe, if the real person destroys the real mainframe, it doesn't matter what they do, it will be shut down anyway.

If the AI is making shows for their Raspberrystream or whatever it's called, why do these characters have to think they are real. They can just be told what to do if they didn't have the ability to choose.

How come nobody in that world has mentioned it before that these characters think they're real people? The star trek one makes sense, cause nobody knows it's there. But lots of people know this probably, and Black Mirror universe there's always people who care about these things and protest.

The episode would have been better as an exploration of the ethical question of AI and what they are and can be. Instead, they made it a girl power fantasy, where the character the AI-protag is based on is literally the shows target demographic.
>pic rel

The last episode is actually the best one, but it's just a rip off of M. Night Shymalaman's new movie Knock at the Cabin: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15679400/


Damn. I will see it myself. I remember watching the special Black Mirror White Christmas and being amazed, sad how the series has fallen.


>First episode had an interesting premise, they just didn't know what to do with it. The it's all in your head trope is tired.
I meant the first episode of the entire series, the pig fucking one. The entire rest of the show requires you to forget how technology (and often physics) work.


I think that's just you man, I enjoyed it all.


>previous poster says they haven't liked the show since after the first epiaode
>I think that's just you man
what did she mean by this?


the show brave enough to ask "what if our shitty world was made even shittier by technology?"


I watched the first episode of Black Mirror and thought it sucked. Are any of the other episodes worth watching?


Yes. Playtest, White Christmas, USS Calister, Nosedive.


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