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/hobby/ - Hobby

"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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Is there any other tv show as based and mind opening as How It’s Made? It’s like everyone but a handful of ragtag Canadians don’t want you to know the origins of the objects around you. They want you to be alienated from even the idea of labor. I can’t stop watching this shit.

Is it on YouTube or some other video streaming service?

I prefer the spinoff

A bunch is on YouTube. I came across it on Max. Put it on because of nostalgia bait from watching discovery channel. I forgot how engaging it is.

Un-marxist garbage, focusing on the machine, while treating the worker as an appendage of it. No discussion of social relations that go into production. It is anti-worker pro-AI propaganda meant to devalue the human in people's eyes.

It is dangerous and counterrevolutionary.

The worker is an appendage of the machine. Industrial capitalism is dehumanizing and shitty like that.

Does anglo TV not have shows like this in children's programming? Germs grow up watching vidrel.

Bro the fuck you going on about, how is a show made from the early 2000's about how stuff being created Pro-AI propaganda? Do you not understand that the worker is the appendage of the machine since the Industrial Revolution or have you forgotten about that. This show doesn't need to devalue humans in people's eyes they just go to work for that being dehumanized.

Nothing like this more like the simple skills for functioning in Capitalist society.

based show. i was just watching the tequila one last week

Yes, that's my point. They show it as a positive thing, rather than the de-humanising alienation it is. By not explaining the negative, by default they are supporting it. "Hey look, this is how all this cool shit is made. Don't think about the productivity the worker as a person has, how many of this shit is produced per hour ONLY because that person is there. Don't think about how little the worker is being paid. "

They tell us the price of the commodities made, but not the wage of the worker. 🤔

But isn't it a good first step at least to be exposed to the manufacturing process?

It's an engineering show, not a social science show

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