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Looked up John Milius(Director of Red Dawn and Conan) and he's a weird guy that I'm somewhat fascinated by, I expected him to be right-wing to the core but he's some one reads Mao and thinks that killing billionaires is always justified
I have watched some of his other films, that he's either director and co-written, Geronimo, Wind and Lion and Farewell to the King and I get the impression that he just hates neo-liberalism and the modern world and would prefer anything over it.


Isn't Red Dawn anti-communist propaganda? How did this happen?

>The film depicts a fictional World War III centering on a land invasion of the continental United States by an alliance of Soviet, Warsaw Pact and Latin American states. The story follows a group of teenaged guerillas, known as the Wolverines, in Soviet-occupied Colorado.

Is this projection?

>There was also the addition of a sequence where some children visit a camp to find their parents have been brainwashed.
The term brainwashing came from thought reform in Communist China and when they attempted to reeducate the prisoners of war in the Korean War.

Obviously these worn-down parents know what wage life is like. This was actually them learning class consciousness and about their true class interests.

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The CIA was warned of a potential “Red Dawn” scenario in Alaska
A 1951 letter from a a former intelligence officer, kept classified for nearly 70 years, outlined potential Soviet infiltration of the Far North


Milius set about rewriting the script. He and Haig devised a backstory in which the circumstances of the invasion would occur; this was reportedly based on Hitler's proposed plans to invade the U.S. during World War II.[10] Haig took Milius under his wing, bringing him to the Hudson Institute, the conservative think tank founded by Herman Kahn, to develop a plausible scenario. Milius saw the story as a Third World liberation struggle in reverse; Haig introduced Nicaragua and suggested that, with the collapse of NATO, a left-wing Mexican government would participate in the Soviet invasion, effectively splitting the U.S. in half.[11] Bart says, "Even Milius was taken aback by Haig's approach to the project. 'This is going to end up as a jingoistic, flag-waving movie,' Milius fretted. As a result, the budget of this once $6 million movie almost tripled."

Conservative think tank? Budget tripled?

>In fact, the United States military was going to support this and supply us with a lot of costumes and airplanes and stuff. Their one demand was that we remove Area 51 from the film, and we didn’t want to do that. So they withdrew their support.

>Documents Reveal US Army Propaganda Campaign For 'Independence Day' Sequel

it's Americans larping as Afghans

Milius is not "right wing", he's more of a reactionary traditionalist.
>I'm not a reactionary—I'm just a right-wing extremist so far beyond the Christian Identity people like that and stuff, that they can't even imagine. I'm so far beyond that I'm a Maoist. I'm an anarchist. I've always been an anarchist. Any true, real right-winger if he goes far enough hates all form of government, because government should be done to cattle and not human beings.

to anyone interested in Milius in his work, vidrel is a pretty good docu about him and it's up on YouTube

most sane Christian nationalist

>I'm so right wing I'm an anarcho-maoist
Horseshoe theory chad, I kneel.

He's actually Jewish(which yeah I know)

is Jewish Anarcho-Maoism a new ideology I don't think I've ever heard of it before

You know its the whole Director/Producer being a Jew thing.

Director =/= Screenwriter nor does it mean he controls the production, it's likely he needed the job, the CIA had a script and some people behind the curtains making sure things were as retardedly anti-communist as possible and there you go - Red Dawn is made.

As for Conan, it's not right-wing or whatever, if you had to give it an ideology it's primitivist, but honestly it's less about ideology and more of a story of a feudal primitive world and a man that rose up on blood and iron to defeat it, it's a story first and foremost, an ideology is almost irrelevant to it. The Conan thread has discussion about this.

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