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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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<Paramount anti trust case hits

>studios can no longer hold "vertical" monopoly
>studios have to sell off movie theatres
>can no longer borrow capital to finance films using property e.g. movie theatres as security
>industry plunged into crisis
>development system where performers taken under wing by studio under exclusive contract and developed falls apart
>be aspiring actress
>get off the bus from Nowheresville, Burgerland
>arrive in L. A.
>only way to get seen by a producer is at a nightclub
>producing philosophy videos for YouTube is 80 years in the future
>only way to get into nightclubs is thru gangsters
>still only getting small parts in films

>get sucked into prostitution

>get murdered by customer

>get sucked into "badger trapping'

>seduce V. I. P. s and getting it filmed to blackmail them
>get murdered by blackmailed V. I. P. s
>or gangsters

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solidarity bump of interest since I can't contribute but am also now intrigued. openflower witchgrass unrelated

Normal occurence of human traficking of women

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Dahlia was this Screech looking dude.

material conditions

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>>35720 (me)
Tho' of course the materialist explanation won't change, regardless of which low life did the murder. The old studio systems paternalism was bad enough, but it was a Harvey Weinstein "casting couch" type of sexual exploitation. When this broke down crooks and pimps had more opportunities.

What would the glamour industries look like under communism? How many people do temp work while hoping for their big break ,which never comes? I reckon there'd be more artists, but working on a smaller scales.
Like more rep theatres, local garage bands, local history/writers groups, those sorts of thing.

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