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"Our hands pass down the skills of the last generation to the next"
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there should be a Heat-like movie about the 1907 Tiflis Bank Robbery that Stalin/Lenin and other Bolsheviks organized, which was carried out for the purpose of securing funds for the RSDLP.


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I had a similar idea abt adopting hot fuzz into either cultural revolution china or after another anon's input two bolsheviks fighting kulaks. Communist history would be full of great material for on the nose agitprop action movies. The tiflis bank robbery would be a great action movie and would probably lend itself nicely to something similar to heat or the early fast and furious movies


>The tiflis bank robbery would be a great action movie and would probably lend itself nicely to something similar to heat
Crowdfund this and kidnap a director. First big budget crowdfunded movie when, btw?


How would it be Heat-like? The themes of Heat don't have a lot in common with political revolutionaries trying to get their hands on some cash.


Maybe anon just means like a character study with a focus on careful choreography.


Also, a killer soundtrack.


why the FUCK can't my hair look like Stalin's


>How would it be Heat-like?
aesthetically and with a similar attention to detail and realism. There's so much scope to explore the political context and interpersonal dynamics leading up to the raid too. It writes itself ffs, I can picture the steam train sequence now lol.
>The themes of Heat don't have a lot in common with political revolutionaries trying to get their hands on some cash.


>How would it be Heat-like?
Cinematography, pacing, tension, soundtrack.
>The themes of Heat don't have a lot in common with political revolutionaries trying to get their hands on some cash.
This theme is what would make it unique, even if the aesthetics are more derivative.

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