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Seems like all you need nowadays is a smartphone that can shoot HD video, a gimbal or tripod off of e-commerce platforms, and a computer with a decent GPU and RAM with something like kdenlive or Davinci Resolve installed on it
So I wonder why more people don't get into it
Surely there are people with the talent for it out there that obviously can't get into the gatekept oligopolic monstrosity that is Hollywood


algorithm is promoting short form tiktok slop rn
maybe someday it will promote indie films


Just get some arthouse theatre in a big city to screen it and plaster posters in public areas like you're promoting a punk show or something


You can post snippets on TikTok if the algorithm accepts them and promote IRL screenings from there
Gumroad or Vimeo for hosting it online on demand afterwards


TikTok seems like just memeshit though


More documentation of labor organizing would be kino, showing people talking about getting ready for strikes and showing what picket lines are like.




unless it's like these old documentaries




I don't mean there's anything necessarily wrong with it, just that I was thinking about artistic production beyond propaganda


Short film shot with a Xiaomi


1. economic pressures towards short form content

2. Even just on the technical/logistical side of things, it takes WAY MORE than just good video to competently make a movie. Just for example, if you’re just using your phone’s mic to capture audio, be prepared to have the actors overdub EVERY line. Advances in consumer technology are making filmmaking cheaper, but there’s still a lot that goes into it, and not everybody is gonna have the time or money for making even a low budget indie movie.


>1. economic pressures towards short form content
>2. Even just on the technical/logistical side of things, it takes WAY MORE than just good video to competently make a movie. Just for example, if you’re just using your phone’s mic to capture audio, be prepared to have the actors overdub EVERY line. Advances in consumer technology are making filmmaking cheaper, but there’s still a lot that goes into it, and not everybody is gonna have the time or money for making even a low budget indie movie.
Well, yeah, there's always hassle. Learning to deal with it is a big part of filmmaking.


Oh yeah, I also looked around on AliExpress and there's also a whole bunch of clip-on zoom and anamorphic lenses that you can attach to smartphones


>Seems like all you need nowadays is a smartphone that can shoot HD video
lol no. why do you believe everything you hear?


>no depth
>shitty FOV
Like looking through a keyhole


It's got a cute old-school boxy aesthetic to it
Anyhow, a cheap secondhand HD DSLR from Ebay? I just wanted to make a point how affordable it is now

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